View Full Version : made the mistake of googling now I think I'm going to die :(

03-04-13, 09:33
Yes I googled candida (thrush) and it came up on WebMD that it can be very dangerous and if left untreated can become life threatening by entering the blood stream. I have had thrush for about two months now while doctors decide how to treat it as it's a treatment resistant one. Recently I've been getting an itchy scalp and I'm terrified that the thrush has spread and is in my bloodstream and is causing the itchy scalp and is going to kill me.

I mentioned it to my gynae who I saw today about treatment for the thrush and he seemed to think it was unlikely, but I read on several sites that it can become systemic and kill you I don't know what to think, I don't want to die from a yeast infection contracted by taking antibiotics, but it says it's a possibility on quite a few sites and now I'm sure that's what is happening to me.

03-04-13, 10:06
Well that was silly! You're not going to die, you're being looked after by a professional who has assessed your symptoms and doesn't think you are going to die either. Give the medication a chance to work hun. Google has told me I'm going to die from about 50 different things this week. Google doesn't actually know, but your doctor does. They've seen this stuff a thousand times and they are professionals at their job. They're not allowed to let you die.

03-04-13, 11:27
That's the thing though, my gynae hasn't really seen this thrush before and wasn't sure how to treat it, he's not even sure the treatment is going to work. The longer I have the thrush the more I worry that it could become systemic and kill me and if this treatment doesn't work I'll have it for another few weeks at least.

03-04-13, 12:09
Awwww Eek stay away from google, your Doc may be having a hard time getting it under control, but does not seem to think that it is life threatening. It will pass, and you will get a grip on it. If it does not seem to go away soon, maybe get a second opinion with someone who is more familiar with it. It will not get worse, since you are being treated for it. :hugs: I have had sinus infections that take 2-3 rounds of antibiotics before it goes away, maybe your condition is the same just stubborn. Good luck, and I hope you feel better soon. :) Debbi

03-04-13, 12:43
I have had thrush MANY times and NEVER in my life have I got it treated. It's so much easier though these days, to actually treat it just by getting something from your chemist.

03-04-13, 13:04
I have had thrush MANY times and NEVER in my life have I got it treated. It's so much easier though these days, to actually treat it just by getting something from your chemist.

Unfortunately this is a treatment resistant thrush the chemist medications don't work so I've had to see someone about treatment. He said if it doesn't clear up he's going to get me to see an infection specialist about it o_O all from a course of antibiotics.

---------- Post added at 23:04 ---------- Previous post was at 22:53 ----------

Awwww Eek stay away from google, your Doc may be having a hard time getting it under control, but does not seem to think that it is life threatening. It will pass, and you will get a grip on it. If it does not seem to go away soon, maybe get a second opinion with someone who is more familiar with it. It will not get worse, since you are being treated for it. :hugs: I have had sinus infections that take 2-3 rounds of antibiotics before it goes away, maybe your condition is the same just stubborn. Good luck, and I hope you feel better soon. :) Debbi

Thanks :)
rather than stubborn it doesn't actually respond to most thrush treatments so they have to find something it will respond to. I'm hoping this cream is going to work but the gynae didn't seem overly hopeful :(

03-04-13, 13:06
Oh I see. Well at least your on the right track by getting professional medical help. I always tell people not to google but never take my own advice and should really be dead by now :D:D

03-04-13, 14:00
My only advise is...... STAY AWAY FROM GOOGLE! Last year alone I had MS, possibly Parkinsons & a definite brain tumour - 2012 was not a good year!

Listen to your doctor - whatever it is, it is treatable and you will be absolutely fine. xx