View Full Version : Tough Weekend

18-09-06, 11:35
Hi all

Not posted for a while, I have been on Cipralex for about 10 months now and the general day to day anxiety has largely gone.
Still have problems with trips out with other people, but set myself a tough task this last weekend, by agreeing to go on a trip to Centre Parcs with my children and partner.
I managed to cram things into the weekend that I have not done in a long time, felt pangs of anxiety during last week buidling up to the weekend.
So, I have stayed two nights away from home, first time in probably 3 or 4 years, went swimming, went out for a meal and all the other things you can do at places like this when you have two children
Helped by listening and following the breathing and relaxing CD from the list and just trying my best even though the tension I felt made things an effort.
I feel very tired and aching today, hopefully I can move forward from this and one day the feelings I felt will be a dim and distant memory.
My partner was very supportive and I think it has done her good also that we have done things together as a family.
Keep well all

18-09-06, 12:15
Hi Mick

Thats lovely news that you managed the trip to Centre Parcs,hopefully like you say you can move forward now!

Well Done!:D



18-09-06, 13:44
thats good to hear
well done for managing all that you did even though it was tough you did it


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

18-09-06, 14:46
This is fantastic news Mick and needs to be moved to the success catagory please.

You have done very well and worked hard at getting to where you are today.

PLease do look forward but if you do have a blip or two then just see it as a blip and not as a backward step. It is a bumpy road ahead for a while..

Take care


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

19-09-06, 16:45
Well done Mick:DYou have done great,you must be really proud of your self.I can understand you feeling tired and aching,it really takes it out of you.Staying away from home your safe place was a massive step.Well done;)

Ellen XX

19-09-06, 17:50
Hi mick,

Thats brilliant news :D hope you're super proud of yourself!

Zoe x

To be pushed is unwillingness, to push yourself is courage

Barry Daniel
20-09-06, 18:49
Hi Mick

Good news on the holiday at Center Parcs. I must admit I go there a couple of times a year but its the only place I can go on holiday with my family. I feel that my stress levels come down completly but then.....all of a suddon.......the holiday is over[V]. Well done for going through with it.


21-09-06, 14:29
Thank you all for the messages of support.


21-09-06, 15:00
Well done Mick. Every small step brings you closer to the top of the mountain!