View Full Version : Thought I Was Dying

03-04-13, 11:16
Dear Readers

I have suffered with depression and anxiety for years, more recently its been the anxiety that has been the real problem, and my depression has (at the moment) thankfully eased.

I seem to be getting more and more physical symptoms, one of these being palpitations. Last night/early hours of this morning (around 12:30am), things got much worse.

I had gone to bed at about 11:00-11:15pm, and after having a chat with my partner settled down by about 11:30-11:40pm to listen to my Anxiety hypnosis track, a 40 minute relaxation hypnotherapy disc that I've been listening to on most nights for the last 6 weeks (and it really does relax me).

By the middle of the disc I'm in a very relaxed state, and as good as asleep but in the "trance" like state hypnotherapy puts you into. Last night was no different.

But almost at the end, literally a minute or so from the end of the session, and still in my hypnotised-state, I get the sense I'm not breathing and that my palpitations are playing havoc (skipped beats, added beats, and very irregular). My body does what it should, and shocks me out of sleep to get me breathing again, and by now I'm sat bolt up right, still unable to catch breath and my heart not beating at all (I could feel it twitching, trying to kick itself back into rythm, but it wasnt beating). This lasted a good 20-30 seconds, with no heartbeat and physically unable to take an in-breath. I was very scared, and was seconds from pointing at the phone to get my partner to call an ambulance, when I finally got a breath, and then the heart kick started itself back into usual rythm.

Needless to say it took a while to get to sleep, and the palpitations continued on and off (but now just odd skips here and there). This morning I woke at about 8:30am, and woke with a strong ache across the left of my chest which is still there now.

I'm just wondering if anyone else has experienced anything similar to this, and whether or not its worth checking it out with doctors. It's worth mentioning my mum has experienced palpitations for a few years and has recently had it diagnosed as some form of arrhythmia, although I've forgotten what type.

Any advice appreciated, I'm a little wary of sleeping now, it got me very scared and very shook up afterwards.

Thanks for reading.

03-04-13, 18:56
Hey I've had them symptoms for quote a whole I've been frightened to go to sleep at night so ive decided not to drink caffiene before bed and eat as that can give you palps have you been to docs? I'm convinced I have sleep apnea also lay on your side not on your back my partner says I snore alot do trying nasel strips tonight your not alone ive been feeling the same best wishes Sarah x

03-04-13, 21:38
I think these are common signs of anxiety, but I would definitely go to the doctor to put your mind at ease.

07-04-13, 05:28
I always feel worse right before bed, makes it so difficult to sleep.

For what it's worth, though, if your heart wasn't beating (or even just twitching), you wouldn't have stayed conscious for 20-30 seconds, so there's that at least. Weird heart feelings are the worst, they are what keep me from getting a good night's sleep.

07-04-13, 16:42
As rsanchez said, had the oxygen-rich blood stopped reaching your brain for a good 20-30 seconds, you will be knock out cold. You have exactly 8 seconds without oxygen supply to the brain, before hypoxia symptoms kick in. This is different from when one holds his/her breath, in which case oxygen is still being delivered to the brain, it just the output of oxygen is diminishing with time, hence why the calmer you are, the longer you can hold your breath. Fear of heart stopping is one of the most common symptoms of anxiety, if I had a nickel for everytime I was scared my heart wasn't beating, and I reached for my pulse, and I couldn't feel it, I'll be doing pretty good by now. Your pulse is there, your brain is simply identifying a potential threat, and trying to zero-in what is activating the flight or fight response, after all evolution thoughts us, that when flight or fight gets activated is for a reason, so it is only logical we try in vain to find that reason. Mind you, I've had a racing heart while meditating, and even after listeting to Binaural beats, the moment they stopped my heart would race for maybe 10-20 seconds, so just because you think you are relaxed, and it cannot possibly be anxiety, it is.

If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?

Wish you the best. :hugs:

08-04-13, 10:27
Ashurrutia, I'm 28 years of age. Always good to know that whilst it may feel like my hearts stopped beating it actually hasn't. I know that palpitations often work the other way, so what feels like skipped beats is often actually extra beats.

I've booked in with the doctors this afternoon to get it checked, based on my mums diagnosis it's certainly worth ruling out anything physical - once i know that (either way) i will be happier about it and can concentrate on dealing with my anxiety.

Many thanks for all your commments, its good to know I'm not the only one suffering with these horrible feelings.

08-04-13, 17:34
Hi, please report back to let us know you're ok, but I am honestly not worried by your symptoms. Look at it this way: if anxiety symptoms weren't horrible and stressful, why would we fear them?

Palpitations, changes to heart rate and the perception of finding it difficult to breathe are some of the most well-known anxiety symptoms there are. You've got to remember your heart is a lump of muscle which is designed to last a minimum of 70 years, palpitations are not going to hurt it. However it is right to see your doctor if you have new symptoms, just to be safe, even though it seems far-fetched that you'd develop genuine heart problems when you're anxious. There isn't really any such thing as coincidence where this stuff is concerned.

There have been some genuinely sensible and informative replies to this thread.

09-04-13, 22:19
Thanks for all your comments everyone, they've certainly been useful.

Just to update everyone re my docs appointment yesterday. Discussed the Anxiety and the Palpitations, and the doc discussed the types of palpitations, what i had been feeling, any patterns (which there aren't in my case) as to when it occurs. The irregular beats I'd been feeling.

He checked me over, listened to the heart and has found a heart murmur. It's most likely going to be an innocent murmur with no further treatment required, but based on the palpitations he was a little more concerned, citing that most innocent murmurs carry no symptoms. A few tests are ordered, ECGs, heart scan and 24hr tape so I should know more within the next few weeks.

This isn't of course to say that everyone who has palpitations should worry they have a heart murmur, you shouldn't. It's just in my case, I have. And I'm now very glad I went to the doctors. Everything happens for a reason, and my funny turn middle of last week spurred me to get myself checked.

Will of course keep you all updated.
