View Full Version : Total sleeplessness

03-04-13, 14:25
Over the past three nights I think I've gotten about 6 hours sleep. This wouldn't normally be unusual for me, but a spell of this strange 'wired' insomnia is what started my (presumed) panic symptoms off 6 weeks ago. My body seems to have gone into total rebellion; I can barely keep food down and every time I try to relax, I start freaking out about something. Just took a low dose xanax but sometimes they don't help much. I feel like I've officially gone crazy or should be in the ER, but that would make it my fourth trip since this started. My body and mind feel just completely worn out. Has anyone else been this bad? Could this be seriously damaging me?

03-04-13, 14:43
I have had it like that many times but thankfully overcoming it now although I am still suffering with sleepless nights. The more you try to sleep, the harder it gets. I try to relax before bed when I can by having a nice hot bath with lavender in and a drink such as chamomile or lavender tea or horlicks. I then read a book for a while and have a pillow with speakers and I have downloaded sleep therapy music. It does help if I keep a routine.

03-04-13, 15:01
I agree with Annie. It really is about shutting your mind off and learning to relax. I suffered terribly last year through lack of sleep - the longest I went was 3 nights without any sleep and I was delirious! The only thing that was keeping me awake was my very active brain telling me all sorts of things and freaking me out... which made me feel worse! Vicious circle.

I eventually downloaded some hypnotic/relaxation recordings which I've never been a fan of but I couldn't live without them now. It took a while to get used to and it isn't a quick fix but if you stick with it, I guarantee you will learn to relax and get a good nights sleep! xx

03-04-13, 18:28
Thanks; helps to know I'm not the first one to deal with this insomnia. Managed to doze off for another hour before I woke up inexplicably hot. I think the key for me might be just trying to relax without being concerned about sleep.

04-04-13, 01:46
I have problems with insomnia too. Get a copy of Dr. Claire Weekes "Good Night - Good Morning. You can order it here: http://drclaireweekes.co.uk/audio.htm

I find her very reassuring when I have bad insomnia. Her CD for Nervous Exhaustion is good too. :)

04-04-13, 19:14
I've been having sleep problems too - started just after Christmas. I was ill and all my anxiety symptoms came on at night. As I live on my own, I kept having these awful thoughts throughout the night - I kept thinking that if I need help in the middle of the night, I have to deal with it on my own. My thoughts have catastrophized into thinking - I need to get out, but how can I cope with the neighbours thinking I'm mad/stupid if that happens. I'm currently listening to relaxation CDs, and reading before bed, but having to take sleeping pills because it's so bad. I've gotten myself into a panicky routine - I have to take my tablet by 9, be in bed by 10 and sleep by 11 or else I'm going to flip out. I'm going to try the link above, to see if that will help.

Here's to us all getting a good night's sleep!

S x

26-10-13, 10:39
...you have to learn total acceptance of not sleeping before getting a sleep pattern back.It will happen,but its not easy when youre body and brain are so exhausted that you have butterflies every time you got near to relaxation and sleep.(you know you are going to get a jolt and wake up).Tell yourself it wont harm you and is natural for you at the moment.Concentrate on your breathing when dropping off.It amazes me how many people on this site take medications.I believe in self help and would try anything other than this,you can recover naturally,it just takes someone to say the right things and re-assure you sometimes.I have felt like you before believe me almost in a waking exhausting nightmare...you will be fine,temporary insanity!