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View Full Version : Bruising, headaches & tiredness again

18-09-06, 11:51
I had a full blood count, thyroid test, kidney test etc.. done 2 weeks ago, in the last 2 weeks ive started bruising alot more than usual, I do bruise easily but these are all up the outsides of my legs, mainly my thighs, big 50p size yellow ones, look horrible. I am shattered and feeling headachy every day, all down back of my head, temples, ears feel full of pressure and sometimes forehead aches so thought it was mt sinuses hurting again.

I am worrying dr didnt check it right or something. He said i had 'no nasties' only low iron stores no anaemia so put me on iron, which is making me want to puke and I need the loo all the time:( lol!

I am worrying though about the bruising, tiredness & headaches. Am I being a daft bint?[:P]

18-09-06, 11:55
No i don't think your being daft, worrying about illness is what we do. Im sure your blood tests would of shown if something was wrong. i get alot of bruises that i haven't a clue where they came from.

hope your feeling better soon


18-09-06, 12:01

My dr knows i worry about leaukemia so think thats why he said 'no other nasties' hehe but now im covered in bruises im worrying.

18-09-06, 12:02
Oh yes Jem your a daft bint without a doubt. But you be 50% and i'll be the other 50& cos I' on a slippery slope today too. Hope we dont collide at the bottom eh lol.

What are we like.

Take Care


18-09-06, 12:04
Thanks Mandy,

Aww sorry to hear your having a bad day of it. I am worrying about meningitis today, have all weekend coz my sinuses are really playing me up again:-( going to dr wednesday so shall mention it then. Have to go see him about not taking the tabs and to let him know how the counselling went.

18-09-06, 12:29
Yep Jem, you are daft, but then so am I
I feel terrible today too.
My head pains have come back this weekend!!! A dull ache at back of my head top of neck. Pressure in my forhead and above eyes. Feel spaced out and not so with it, am at work and feel like going to loo and staying there. Feel very anxious and jittery, cant concentrate.

I have been doing so well for ages, so am frightened I am back there on that slippery slope with You and Manmoor!!!!

Lets hope we clamber our ways back up eh!!!!

Hay x

18-09-06, 13:55
if you had something the blood tests would show it.

sinuses are painful i have them they're swollen now and i cant breathe.


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

18-09-06, 17:04
Hi Jem,
Missing you on BGH!! I was reading about a tip in one of the books my gp recommended (The stress and relaxation workbook). When you think get a stressful thought in your head you very quickly move your eyes left then right about 25 times. You can do it with your eyes open or shut. It sort of stops you being able to focus on the thought and it seems to work a bit for me. Apparently, the more you do it the more effective it becomes.

I'm absolutely sure you're ok - your gp has checked the results properly or he wouldn't have noticed your iron levels. He reads these results all the time so he's not going to get it wrong.

Penny x

Penny x

18-09-06, 19:19
Awww thank you all, im alot calmer tonight.

Hayles how are u tonight hun?

Penny lovely to see you over here, thanks for the tip hun:-)

19-09-06, 09:05
hey Jem,

Hope your doing ok today hun.
I am ok.....better today so far!
Very tired. an anxiuos day really knackers me out!

Lets hope it was just a little blip!

Hay x

19-09-06, 09:37
Glad your abit better Hayles, I feel abit better today although ive alot of sinus pain so im abit anxious as per usual. Seeing dr about it again tomorrow and im really worrying about going because I feel im never taken seriously, im sick of being in pain everyday its not normal:-(

19-09-06, 10:04
No its not normal....and say this to your DR
tell him/her that you cant be expected to live like this, then maybe they can sort something different to take for the sinus problem!

Hay x

20-09-06, 12:16
Thanks hun, more anti bs and im still worrying.

20-09-06, 12:49
Not more Nati B's
What about your ENT referral?
Maybe you should take your husband with you next time or Mum coz if your anything like me you tend to get a bit of stage fright when your at the docs and not tell them everything.

maybe if your Hubby goes with you he can just insist on a referal for you. At least this will help rule out things for you!!!

Hay x