View Full Version : No hope, no cure, no future, hit rock bottom (Warning, long post)

Orange Lightning
03-04-13, 15:39
Forgive me for posting so often as well as for this extra long post, but I'm honest and truly at the end of my rope. The "s" word has crossed my mind a lot in the last few days, and I was hoping a session of hypnotherapy would relieve it. It didn't, in fact only moments after leaving I fell to my knees in tears. I'll explain my story from the beginning and hope for the best.

6 months ago I started experiencing chest pains, palpitations, tightness and other symptoms typical of anxiety. I was convinced something was wrong with my heart and went to ER twice. Despite my irrational fears, that worry only took a month and a bit to fix thanks to an echocardiogram. What I'm trying to say is that it's fairly easy to rule out heart problems, among other disorders many people with anxiety suspect. That's why I no longer worry about my heart, but I've never gotten over my current worries throughout these 6 months. I'm utterly terrified that I have Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Disease, also known as LPR or Silent Reflux. Doesn't sound too serious right? Believe me you don't' know how wrong you are. I know the worst possible thing to do is consult Google, but these last few months the one thing that has kept me sane is that LPR COULD be due to anxiety.

It's not. How do I know? I've been through CBT, Self-Help, Hypnotherapy, medications (both prescribed and O-T-C) and lifestyle changes. I've been trying to lead a normal life with my friends and family, and even been enjoying myself. You'd think 5 months of treatment like that would fix me up, but no dice. I'm as bad as ever, if not worse.

I match almost EVERY symptom to do with LPR, and since some people hardly have any symptoms it only makes things worse. My symptoms aren't to do with food allergies, as EVERYTHING makes me worse, and it isn't anxiety or stress alone, even medical professionals like my GP agree with me on that. I've tried PPIs, H2 Blockers, O-T-C medicine, lifestyle and diet changes, the above methods of relieving stress, exercise and more. Not a single thing works. Furthermore when I get tested in the next few weeks with a barium swallow and endoscopy, the tests are sure to come back negative. LPR hardly ever causes visible damage the way GERD does, so many patients are written off with anxiety and a LOT more patients with LPR go on to get Barrett's Esophagus or Throat/Esophageal/Lung cancer from the pepsin or bile or whatever the medication can't block. Surgery doesn't fix everyone either, in fact it can make people worse. In short, I have the one thing I've always feared most - an incurable, complicated and dangerous disorder that can destroy me inside out, and cannot be easily detected or managed. LPR is a chronic condition that people have for life, and that is exactly what I worry about.

Before I began having symptoms I lead a pretty healthy lifestyle. I worked out at a gym, I went swimming and walking/running, I had a pretty healthy diet too. So why have I been cursed with this disorder when there are plenty of other people who do a lot worse than me?! I get:

- Constant mucus in my throat, especially after burping or eating ANYTHING.
- Waking up to a sore throat every morning.
- Burping whenever I so much as move. The burps always bring up something, and they always make me feel hot, dizzy and breathless. They also cause my throat to become sore and add to the mucus.
- A constant feeling of a "bubble" in my throat. If I belch it moves away but it makes my throat become tight too and gives me a headache.
- A mild burning sensation in my neck, particularly the sides and back. It can extend all the way to my hands.

Like I said, everything I eat, drink or do causes this. Taking my mind off things doesn't help because the feelings continue. I've tried plenty of "miracle cures" including manuka honey, natural liquourice, aloe vera, increased water intake, ginger and more besides. Every single one hasn't helped, in fact they've arguably made me worse. I've already cleaned up my lifestyle and diet to ludicrously limited amounts, to the point of fasting sometimes. Surely starvation isn't the only way to prevent my symptoms? I'm not even overweight - I'm only age 21 and apparently very underweight!!

It's no wonder I'm crying my heart out; I've never heard myself utter the words "someone end me now" until these last few days. I don't have it in me to kill anyone, least of all myself, but I know that as long as I have LPR, there's nothing left for me. It's taken away my family, friends, loved ones, job, lifestlye, hobbies and any satisfaction I had with life before. It is constantly on my mind, from the moment I wake up to the sleepless nights I sometimes get thinking "why hasn't this gone away even now?!" What on earth can I do to save myself? I've lost my grip now that I no longer believe anxiety has anything to do with my disorder. If anyone can tell me if I can ever be my normal self again, right down to my lifestyle and diet, please do. It's all I can hope for now.

Thank you for sticking with me, I'm afraid I really needed to rant. This horrible disorder has ruined my life. :(

03-04-13, 16:14
Orange lightning,

I'm so sorry this is affecting you as it is :bighug1:
I have to say though that I've had similar symptoms to this that have lasted months and months and its horrible. I regularly have brought up whole lumps of food into my mouth after eating, including vitamin pills etc. However, I've found that that the more I think about it the worse it gets... which makes the situation worse. For me it was a combination of dodgy stomach and anxiety. But it DOES and it HAS got better with time. It won't go overnight, but it will pass either with a new medication or with time.

Have you spoken with anyone about how you are feeling? Family, friends, dr's?

I wish you all the best and hold on to the fact that you WILL get better.


03-04-13, 16:14
Sorry to hear you are again having difficulties.

Try googling tufts medical centre LRD they have a very informative article on LRD that really does not make for scary reading.

As for the cancer link it states 10% of people with LRD CAN have PRE cancerous cells. That is a lot of ifs and buts on a low percentage.

It all sounds emmenently treatable to me, with meds and or surgery.

Also it can be diagnosed with a look at your voice box.

Speaking as somebody who DOES have a chronic lifelong condition for which I will have to take meds all my life should I wish to continue :D I really think ou need to get a handle on this.

If your WORST fear in life is having a totally treatable condition in reality that doesn't sound so bad does it?

03-04-13, 16:33
Hi Orange Lightning,

I'm so sorry things have gotten so bad for you. I don't really have any experience or knowledge of LPR so can't offer you advice on that but we're of similar ages (I'm 23) so if you want a chat then private message me.

Warm Wishes

03-04-13, 19:09
Hi Orange Lightning, I suffered from LPR for about 4 or 5 months up until about a year ago. It started with acid reflux which was triggered initially by drugs for osteoporosis, which i stopped taking, but the reflux carried on and got worse. So I was put on PPIs, and they are what actually caused the LPR - though my doctor never believed me. I had an endoscopy which was clear, tried another PPI which made the LPR bad again and eventually persuaded my doctor to take me off them and put me on ranitidine, which helped considerably, and then metaclopramide which really mopped up the last vestiges. I finally came off the metaclopramide (which I thought made me drowsy) and am now on ranitidine and have the head of the bed raised - and I'm completely clear of LPR and only have occasional heartburn which is solved with gaviscon.

So yes, it can get better, and very definitely anxiety makes it worse and can actually trigger it. :wacko:

So keep on hanging in there and know that there is a cure there somewhere! You will get better.

03-04-13, 20:51
Hi there,

I can't comment on LPR as I know very little about it but, as a lifelong anxiety sufferer, I think I've come to know a thing or two about it. I read your post and I have a few observations which might help.

I've not read all your previous posts but it's clear that you suffer from an anxiety disorder like most of us on here. Over the past 30+ years, I've experienced just about every anxiety symptom possible, including the ones you've described which you think relate to LPR. I'm pretty confident that I've never actually had LPR btw. My experience is that, without exception, the more I worry about and focus on a particular symptom, the worse it gets. I'm not just talking about transient symptoms, these could go on for years and have really dibilitating effects. I've always seen this as a symptom of anxiety on its own and it shows the power the mind has over the body.

As you know you have anxiety, do you not think it would be rather a coincidence to have an illness with symptoms which could all be attributed to anxiety? I'm not saying it's impossible but it would seem unlikely, would it not? Have you found your symptoms have got worse since you started looking up more about the illness?

Whether or not you have LPR doesn't seem to be the problem, it's anxiety about it which is causing you all your problems. You said 'as long as I have LPR, there's nothing left for me'. Why is that? I'm sure the symptoms can be awful but is it not the worrying about it that's making it unbearable?

I'm only saying these things because I've been exactly where you are. The only way I was able to work my way through it was by taking a long step back and being completely honest with myself about what my real problems were. It took me a very (very) long time but eventually, I realised that all my symptoms related to anxiety and all I was doing was perpetuating a vicious circle by worrying about something which made me feel physically worse and made me worry even more, and so on. There were times that this got so bad that I couldn't get out of bed as I felt too ill and weak.

I'm not sure that I'm explaining myself very well here but I'm just trying to get you to think about your situation a little more objectively and consider the possibility that's its anxiety causing you problems and that it's within your power to stop it ruining your life and to break the circle. I look back and can see all the time I spent worrying about things that seemed devastating at the time and now I can see that they either didn't happen or were so insignificant, I can't even remember most of them now.

I wish I had an answer for you but I don't. All I can say is that the solution is in you but need to work out what the real problem is first before you can do anything about it.

Take care

Pip x

Orange Lightning
12-04-13, 11:52
Sorry to bump the post, just wanted to let everyone know that I have read the replies. Thank you for your understanding - I therefore greatly apologise for my next set of complaints..! Thing is I can accept my symptoms MAY be due to anxiety, but a huge part of me keeps thinking is the anxiety a result of LPR/GERD or the cause of it? I desperatly want to believe everyone that I can be cured but it's horrible to wake up every day and wonder whether my next meal or activity will make me feel horrible once again. And usually it does, in fact only hypnotherapy has offered me any relief so far, but only for about 10 minutes after it takes place. :/

I know I shouldn't but I can't stop using Google on the matter. Some people say "In my opinion it can be anxiety," but then another person butts in and says "I have evidence it isn't" or suchlike. I don't have the hoarse voice or dry cough, but I do get daily sore throats, burning, burping and bloating and as I said before, nothing touches it. I've taken to swallowing my burps back down because I can't stand the agony that accompanies a burp. Of course I don't know if said agony is also anxiety or not. :p

I forgot to ask if Setraline can cause heartburn etc at all, as well as if anyone else burps all the time whenever they so much as stretch themselves or walk slowly (let alone do any excercise). My symptoms are no better or worse when I watch what I eat or not, does that sound important?

12-04-13, 12:35
Hi there,

I can't comment on LPR as I know very little about it but, as a lifelong anxiety sufferer, I think I've come to know a thing or two about it. I read your post and I have a few observations which might help.

I've not read all your previous posts but it's clear that you suffer from an anxiety disorder like most of us on here. Over the past 30+ years, I've experienced just about every anxiety symptom possible, including the ones you've described which you think relate to LPR. I'm pretty confident that I've never actually had LPR btw. My experience is that, without exception, the more I worry about and focus on a particular symptom, the worse it gets. I'm not just talking about transient symptoms, these could go on for years and have really dibilitating effects. I've always seen this as a symptom of anxiety on its own and it shows the power the mind has over the body.

As you know you have anxiety, do you not think it would be rather a coincidence to have an illness with symptoms which could all be attributed to anxiety? I'm not saying it's impossible but it would seem unlikely, would it not? Have you found your symptoms have got worse since you started looking up more about the illness?

Whether or not you have LPR doesn't seem to be the problem, it's anxiety about it which is causing you all your problems. You said 'as long as I have LPR, there's nothing left for me'. Why is that? I'm sure the symptoms can be awful but is it not the worrying about it that's making it unbearable?

I'm only saying these things because I've been exactly where you are. The only way I was able to work my way through it was by taking a long step back and being completely honest with myself about what my real problems were. It took me a very (very) long time but eventually, I realised that all my symptoms related to anxiety and all I was doing was perpetuating a vicious circle by worrying about something which made me feel physically worse and made me worry even more, and so on. There were times that this got so bad that I couldn't get out of bed as I felt too ill and weak.

I'm not sure that I'm explaining myself very well here but I'm just trying to get you to think about your situation a little more objectively and consider the possibility that's its anxiety causing you problems and that it's within your power to stop it ruining your life and to break the circle. I look back and can see all the time I spent worrying about things that seemed devastating at the time and now I can see that they either didn't happen or were so insignificant, I can't even remember most of them now.

I wish I had an answer for you but I don't. All I can say is that the solution is in you but need to work out what the real problem is first before you can do anything about it.

Take care

Pip x

Are you on medication, or have you ever been on medication?


12-04-13, 20:03
Orange Lightning,

Just read your post twice but apologies if I get things wrong as I'm having trouble focusing on the screen at the moment. Although I don't have LRD I have been in a slightly similar situation...

Warning - might be triggering to some people, esp. those with HA

A few years ago I became unwell, first I stopped socialising, then I gave up work, Drs told me it was stress and anxiety. Long story short, I got very unwell, couldn't eat, dangerously thin, got to the point that I was in so much pain I just wanted to die to be honest. Throughout this whole time anxiety was a major issue (long time emet so feeling ill is hell to me). All along, I told the Drs. that anxiety was an issue but that there was something else going on.

Anyway....eventually I insisted on more tests and even whey they discovered two chronic conditions I had trouble getting treatment. I eventually changed GPs and got the appropriate treatment. I'm not going to lie and say my situation has changed overnight, the treatment has helped immensely but I do struggle to manage the two conditions and have completely lost my confidence. HOWEVER(!) if you do have LRD or another on-going illness, it is possible to cope, yes your life might be a bit different to how you imagined, yes you might not feel great 100% of the time but understanding it and accepting it makes a big difference (as does getting diagnosed and treated lol!!).

If you feel you need a firm diagnosis of what's going on then push for it, change Drs if you have to but don't waste 2+ years as I did basically being fobbed off. I read a really good book about dealing with chronic illness etc, really helped change my view when I wanted to give up, can't remember the name right now but if you want to have a look PM me and I'll find it.

Hope you're feeling better soon

ps. Don't give up :hugs:

12-04-13, 20:58

Yes, I currently take venlafaxine but most of the time, I've managed without meds.
