View Full Version : Clock change

03-04-13, 16:50

Has anyone experienced a worsening of anxiety/depression symptoms after the clocks go forward? Would be really helpful to know as I am meant to be going back to work next week after 3 months sick leave. I was expecting to feel a bit anxious about that but am really feeling groggy and sleep rhythm completely haywire.



blue moon
04-04-13, 02:54
I am in Sydney where they have daylight saving,It drives me nuts,mainly with flights and appoinments I get slightly anxious about missing my flights.

04-04-13, 08:20
Strangely enough I feel a little brighter when the clocks go forward, I think it is the lighter nights as I usually feel more depressed and anxious in the evenings when it is dark.

04-04-13, 09:18
I don't find it affects my depression/anxiety, but it really throws my sleep patterns for a couple of weeks. The improved daylight is a boost though :-)

04-04-13, 09:57
I found that it knocked my sleep out and ended up taking a sleeping pill to help get my rhythm back, i still tired but i have slept the last couple of days, apart from last night when my 9 mth old had me up, but i think shes teething so i can forgive her me thinks ;) Good luck with your return to work. x

04-04-13, 11:44
It affects my sleep and thus makes me more anxious then normal. I am enjoying the brighter evenings but I'm not enjoying waking up at 10am everyday, it's too late.

04-04-13, 18:54
It never used to bother me, but this year it has. I almost feel safer with the darker evenings, almost like I could run away and hide if I need to, but now the lighter nights are coming there's no where to hide away. Is this normal? :o(

04-04-13, 19:16
My sleep patterns are terrible anyway so the clocks changing don't affect me too much in that way.

I tend to feel a bit better when they have gone forward though and summertime begins. I used to prefer it the other way round cos I felt like the dark was a sort of thing to hide away in but in recent years I've found I get more depressed in the dark evenings. So these days I prefer it when it's lighter at night.

05-04-13, 10:10
Dear All,
Many thanks for all the comments. Seeing what you say and being a few days further on I think loosing the hours sleep has just knocked my sleep rhythm, so I am tired which makes me feel more down and just more difficult to think about return to work.