View Full Version : Sobering up day 1

03-04-13, 21:06
Hey guys

So today is my first day of no alcohol consumption, years of binge drinking and I've decided I've had enough of hangovers panic attack grogginess and first and foremost I want my damn life back.

So yes ... Today has been hard I drank yesterday and that was when I decided I'd had enough of the drunk life, I've had anxiety all day I feel like complete ass my anxiety is sky high and I'm convinced I'm going to die. :weep:

But most nights by this time I'm out of my tree or in a deep alcohol induced coma so hey on the bright side I'm sober. I'm feeling so positive about. Hanging my life style today I even ate healthy. I'm looking forward to the coming months I have been sober for a whole week straight since I was about 17 I'm 23 now Nd drink has been my life for so long, the night time is the hardest for me because that's when I normally binge drink, why I do it I still don't now, I now the consequences but I still put my self in the same situation. What a moron.

Any way I'm writing these post because I now that there is a lot of people who self medicate anxiety depression and panic Attacks with alcohol but don't speak up so I want to show people that there is away out and there is other people just like you. Alcohol is an addictive drug and your not allown so reach out get support write An absolute essay on here every day if need be.

Where there is dark, there is light !!!

Tommarow is day 2 for me And I'm ready to kick some ass lol, even though at this moment in time I think I'm going to die in my sleep Nd I have the most irrational thoughts ever but hey god didn't make the world in a day

All the positive messages on here today have kept me sane also ...

:) eff you alcohol xxxxx

03-04-13, 21:18
Go you! You can do this and I'm really proud of you. I said eff you to alcohol a couple of years ago, still have the odd drink, but I set rules around it now. No drinking alone, only drink with food and no drinking because I'm anxious. It's much better to give up completely though if you have a problem with it as it can creep back in without you realising. I remind myself that the times I really want a drink are the times when I definitely shouldn't have one! You don't need it, it doesn't control you and you are happier person without it.

03-04-13, 21:21
Lil Harry you are my inspiration

Good to see a positive side to this, and it is doable ... And go you 2 :) for sticking to it and not getting sucked in

Woop woop :) xx

03-04-13, 21:43
Good for you Lourah :) this may be your first step on your road to recovery :)

03-04-13, 21:52
Go for it lourah....you have my full support. It can't be easy, especially with irrational thoughts to boot.
Tell them to bog off coz I said so :nonono::finger::nonono::finger::nonono::finger:

03-04-13, 21:56
Hopefully my first step and a permanent step beckzie :D

Thank you Tessar lol :D


03-04-13, 21:59
You can do it lourah and by posting it here I am sure you will help loads of people too :hugs:

03-04-13, 22:47
Sooooooo proud of you, great job, if I was over there I would pat you on the back. Since I can't, you pat yourself on the back for me. :) Great job, it can't be easy. We are all pulling for you. :hugs:

04-04-13, 10:19
Big thanks guys xxxx