View Full Version : Stuck on a fair ground ride

kate H
18-09-06, 12:15
Had a very terrifying experience at the weekend.

I went to the fair with my boyfriend and some friends on friday nite and i actually felt ok even though it was quite busy and loud. As i was with friends and laughing and joking it kind of keeps your mind off things.

Anyway.........my boyfriend stupidly got me to go on a ride that i really didnt want to go on. As we were half way through the ride it stops at the top for a moment and then goes again. When we got to the top the power cut out and all the lights went out and we were stuck 70 foot in the air in the dark.

I was absolutely petrified, i didnt want to move in my seat as it suddenly occured to me that i was locked in and couldnt get out. My boyfriend was really good and kept reassuring me that we would be ok and he wouldnt let anything happen to me. He could see the terror on my face and that i was containing myself from totally freaking out. I just did my breathing exercises and tried to stay as still and as calm as i could as i get really chlostophobic. After 25 long minutes they managed to get us down.

I was freezing cold and in shock but i lived to tell the tale.


****You can never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them to fly in formation ****

18-09-06, 12:19
Hi Kate

That must have been terrifiying for you !! A BIG well done for managing to keep calm, my legs are going funny thinking about it !!




18-09-06, 13:35
you did brilliant! like honeybee im feelingn all weak just thinkng about it myself!!! well done for remembering all your breathing techniques.
Becci x

18-09-06, 13:42
you did so well keeping as calm as you did

i'm terrified just thinking about it


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

18-09-06, 14:49
You coped fantastically and did all the right things . You compete star.. so I hope you are chuffed to bits with yourself.

Do go back on a similar ride soon so you don't harbour a fear of such rides

Please do move this to the success catagory - it really needs to be there !!

Well done


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress