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View Full Version : CBT referral

03-04-13, 23:36
Hello all.

Just got a letter today saying my GP has put through my request for CBT. The service begins with a telephone assessment and then, I guess, moves on to a face to face appointment.

My HA has been fine up until a few days ago when I could feel it heading on an upward trend. Any advice from those who have already had CBT?

Thanks in advance.

03-04-13, 23:57

Have a read here:


04-04-13, 06:33
In our area the whole course is done by phone now. I didn't like it at all as it felt very impersonal to me. I had CBT before many years ago and found it really helpful. Personally I would push for face to face if it's available, I find it far easier than talking over the phone but some people might feel the opposite, I guess everyone is different.