View Full Version : Heart rate worry; is it too fast? 19 yr old female.

04-04-13, 03:39
Hi all;

I've posted here before explaining my worry about my heart, and panic attacks that plagued me for over a year. I'm doing much better now, but there are still things that bother me:

I went to the gym not that long ago, and I was very nervous about doing anything that would make my heart beat too fast but gave it a try anyway. Basically, after a few minutes of brisk walking and then maybe 60 seconds of a moderate jog, my heart rate was already at 185. This made me a little anxious so I slowed back to a walk and it did slow down, but I've been too worried to try jogging/running again since.

Also, I live on the third floor in my dorm building, and every day the walk up the stairs, no matter how slow I take it, gets my heart racing to what feels to just be too fast. There are many other instances I feel like my heart just goes too fast for what I'm doing, and that it never really used to do that. Does anyone else experience this? Does it seem like it's too fast, or am I just worrying?

(As previously stated, I am a 19 year old white female, in relatively good shape, quit smoking for almost five months now.)

Any comment or advice is appreciated.

04-04-13, 15:34
I've had a fast heart rate for a while! Had an ECG and told me I have tachycardia which just means fast heart rate. At the doctors a few weeks ago my resting heart rate was in the 100s as it was when I had my ECG. I don't exercise that much but I do a lot of walking and even after then my rate can get to about 150 bpm. Have you had your blood pressure etc checked? It might be because you've just given up smoking and your body's still getting used to it?

04-04-13, 16:50
Hi Silenteyes,

Heart rate monitors on exercise equipment should be banned lol!

Don't worry, it says more about your level of fitness than anything else. I was the same when I started getting back to the gym after a 6 months absence. After about 15 mins of brisk walking that was making me a bit breathless and sweaty (as exercise should do!) I thought I'd see how fast my heart rate was and it was the same as you -185! Well I did what any self respecting HA sufferer would do which was to slow right down, stop then panic ;)

Then I spoke to one of the chaps who works there and covers the docspot people - he said it was fine. He'd taken my BP prior and it was at the optimum level. He said it was because I was unfit, and over time my fitness would increase - as will yours. I even googled it (I know I shouldn't) but it still confirmed that this was okay.

Point is, and my instructor said this, a fast heart rate during exercise won't hurt you, and if you hadn't have checked your heart rate then would you have worried? Did you feel ill, any pain? If no, then there is no problem. So don't check your heart rate and listen to your body instead - oh and take things slowly, build up your fitness.

If in doubt - speak to your instructor and they'll help you

Take care.

04-04-13, 19:12
Ella13; I've had all the tests done, ECGs, electrocardiograms, stress test, bloodwork: the only thing that seemed odd is that (when I wore an event monitor, caught an episode where I felt like my heart randomly started racing, and my cardiologist said it was strangely fast). Other than that, I'm healthy. I still worry that I have some sort of arrhythmia, but most days I'm okay and I don't have those episodes of sudden, bursting racing heart anymore, really.

Ribbit; That is very reassuring to hear, and surprising as always to hear that I'm not the only one experiencing that. >.< On the treadmill that day I felt fine, but there was one instant at the gym where I didn't feel physically okay which is why I stopped going:
I was on the exercise bikes, pretty much going at an easy pace, hadn't really been on there long and was just starting to work up a sweat (heart rate in about the 140's) and then, I'm really not sure how to explain it, but I just felt something weird suddenly strike me in my chest, and was almost dizzy (not quite) for only about a second, but by then the wave of fear rushed through me telling me I just wasn't okay and needed to stop. I stopped moving immediately and just sat there trying not to freak out, drinking water and breathing deeply, and to keep from panicking I just got up and started walking around to take my mind off of it. I didn't do anymore cardio that day, or really, since then.
Explaining what happened the best way I can, all I can say is that I didn't really notice anything irregular with my heart beat, but that in that instant something just felt off in my chest, like a sudden throb or thud (not quite a pain) that just rendered me feeling not myself for a second or two, and then obviously very worried after that, considering I was worried about my heart.
I haven't quite felt something like that since then, but it was similar to what I'd feel when I had my panic attacks, and what that THUD in my chest would feel like right before my heart seemed to take off and I would get dizzy and just lose it...
Does that sound like it would just be the anxiety, and any sort of weird feeling in my chest just could have gotten me worried that it was my heart? It worried me very much (as I'm sure you can understand) and I guess I just worry that one day I'll be trying some sort of cardio and my heart is just going to burst and I'll drop right there xDDD

Sorry for the rambling, just something that's been concerning me for a while. >.<
And thanks for the replies!!!!