View Full Version : Brain worries, saying wrong words

04-04-13, 09:30
I'm so anxious today. For the last few days, myself and others have noticed that when I say a sentence I sometimes say the wrong word. For example I just said Gemma went to down but actually meant Kate went to tow. It's happened a few times now. I even said something bout getting bus but want train. Hope this makes sense, I really need some reassurance. I have been a bit stressed of late but is this a symptom of anything serious.

---------- Post added at 09:30 ---------- Previous post was at 08:39 ----------

Can someone please help, Im very concerned

04-04-13, 09:44
Hi Willous,

At the very height of my anxiety this was a major problem for me. I would stop mid sentence forgetting words and what I was saying. I would replace words in sentences so nothing made sense and I felt like I was losing the plot. The more I thought about it, the worse it got. It got to a point where I would avoid talking to people for fear of messing up!

An anxious mind takes its toll on the simplest of things. It really is your anxiety playing mind games - nothing more sinister at all! Don't be concerned. Isn't anxiety great! :wacko: xx

04-04-13, 10:08
I do this as well, also like meche says - I get half way through sentences and forget what i'm saying. Three times the other day I said to my partner .... well... then forgot what I was going to say altogether. I know for a fact that stress & anxiety will most definitely make this happen so really, honestly it's not a major problem. My doctor told me as much a couple of months ago as I was really struggling with my memory and my focus. He said it was definitely a by product of stress I was having. I know as well that the more you focus on it, the worse it will be becasue youll then start attributing all sorts of things to it in a negative spiral.
Willous, what you need to do here is try to relax about it. Dont think of it in an all or nothing context. A few wrong or missed words is NOT a sign of something. Its just a natural thing that happens to all of us. Even young people without stress or people of any age group can have this happen. So.... be positive, leave these thoughts to themselves do not dwell. Move on.
Let me know how you are feeling now wont you? I'll check back in later..... meanwhile get your mind & self busy on something other than this and be kind to yourself.

04-04-13, 10:17
I get this too when I am very anxious.

I also feel as though my thoughts run ahead of me and notice that I can talk too quickly!

04-04-13, 10:37
The mouth operating faster than brain syndrome - yep...get that too!

04-04-13, 11:36
Yep, been there!! I was forgetting the most simple of things, getting words mixed up and mis spelling familiar words!
I wasn't convinced at the time anxiety could cause this, but YES it 100% does, even if you don't feel anxious at the time, its normal for us anxiety sufferers so please dont worry xx