View Full Version : slow pupil reaction to light??

04-04-13, 11:28
Hi guys,
Ive had eye pain for a few months and have been to optricians where they have told me everything looks fine and healthy.

Because my random eye pain is ongoing, I decided to pop to doctor to get it checked and this morning she has told me that this eye seems to be more sluggish in movement than my right eye. (she was holding a light to my eye) Apparently pupil wasnt moving the same way as right.

She has told me she isnt atall worried but would like it looked at by eye doctor.

Ive come home completely panicked. I feel sick and cant stop shaking, what does this all mean.
Have any of you guys had this problem with your eyes, Ive been googling and its just making it all worse for me..:weep:

Thankyou for any replies.
Tasia xx

04-04-13, 15:13

Right now you are overthinking it. The part of your brain responsible for predicting danger is doing cartwheels. Remember it's only thought. whatever happens you will deal with it. :)

And it may not be serious at all. Wait until you see the eye doctor who will investigate it properly.

04-04-13, 16:26

Right now you are overthinking it. The part of your brain responsible for predicting danger is doing cartwheels. Remember it's only thought. whatever happens you will deal with it. :)

And it may not be serious at all. Wait until you see the eye doctor who will investigate it properly.
Thankyou for your lovely kind words...I actually went out as Im having physio at the moment too...I feel a bit better and have calmed down. Ive got to stop getting myself so up the wall with my eyes. As you have said hopefully wont be anything serious. Thankyou again. xx

04-04-13, 16:34
hi tasia

as youve recently had an eye test then theres probably nothing to worry about at all because they would have picked up on it

it could just be that your eyes are tired or over worked esp if you have pains this could be eye strain

my docs told me ive got to go to the optitions to get an eye test as i havent had one for a year as i told her i had flashing lights in my eyes the other day but she didnt say what it might be i though it was high blood preasure but she just said get your eyes tested and come back to me as they dont specalise in eyes then they just want to be sure

frosty x

06-04-13, 12:47
hi i went to optician other day because of headache pain in eye. the test it self was normal but she did say my pupils was sluggish in both eyes and its not normal for a 35 year old but would see it ina 65 year old im worried now.

08-05-13, 09:18
Hi guys,

Thankyou for replys. Im still waiting to hear from the hosptial. The good news is that my eye pain has gone away. I had it for such a long time.

Lisad1977..hope you are ok? have you had anymore eye tests done?

11-05-13, 19:15
Are you on any sort of antidepressants? I have similar symptoms to what you describe and am on mirtazapine. My optician explained to me that antidepressants slow everything down including eye reactions.