View Full Version : Just a couple hours until my son goes for driving test.

04-04-13, 11:45
Ughhhhhh.......Sorry to bother you all, but I am just a couple hours away from taking my little boy (who is not so little) for his driving test. :scared15: I could not sleep last night. All I do is vision him crashing today, and failing. :wacko: I will also blame myself if he fails. :weep: (I will feel like I didn't practice with him enough) Why do we blame ourselves for everything that goes wrong? Then I am worried if he should pass, him driving with all the crazies. This is not a win/win situation. This is so silly, how I have stressed myself out about this. I need find the strength, to be a good mom today, and get my son through this no matter what the outcome. Any encouraging words would be such a big help right now, please, thank you. :hugs:

04-04-13, 12:38
Oh I know just how you feel...I almost wished my boys didn't pass their tests as I didn't want them driving on those crazy roads. They didn't pass first time but did second time. I think as Mum's we just want them in our little safety net but we have to let them explore the world. I still worry when I know mine are out driving but we have to let them do it. My youngest drives all over the country with his job. I know he is a sensible driver though. I worry more about the older one as he is careful but not as experienced driving. If he doesn't pass, you are in no way to blame and it just means he needs a little more experience. I won't ask my kids to go shopping or anything for me as I think if anything happens to them it will be my fault for asking them to go! :unsure: We have to let them live their lives though and do things they enjoy. There has to be risks in life :D Let me know how he does today :hugs::hugs:

04-04-13, 12:54
Omg Annie I love you, that is exactly how I am. I am so lucky to have you. Thank you. :winks: I don't ask the kids to go anywhere either, and you are so right, I think in my heart I am still trying to protect him, and this is something I have to let him do. I will let you know. Are you back from your trip, and getting ready for the next one. So proud of just how far you have come in the short time I've been on here. :hugs: Debbi

04-04-13, 13:07
I am home from my trip Debbi and it has really boosted my confidence. Looking forward to going to Croatia in May now :D I have booked on a 2 day course connected to the new work I am going to do. It isn't until October so have time to prepare for it :) and my hubby has said he will go with me and relax in the hotel while I am training (it is 3 hours away).

04-04-13, 13:13
Awwww Annie, your hubby is the best. Look at you go. :yesyes: I need you to get on a plane, and come over here. (since I won't fly). By the time October comes you will be ready to face, anything that gets thrown your way. I hope I get as strong as you soon.

04-04-13, 13:18
You will Debbi...Just stay positive :) That can be your challenge, to get on a plane and come over to visit me for a vacation :) We can show you all the sights of good old England (and maybe Scotland too as we are not far from the border).

04-04-13, 13:32
Debbie - I cant wait to hear how he got on.... Meanwhile I'm sitting here with my fingers & toes crossed. I appreciate what you're saying about if he passes or fails, that's all very natural isnt it. I might not be a parent but I know when I announced to my parents that I wanted to get a motorbike, they were pretty freaked out. But they let me & I survived several years on 2 wheels. When I gravitated to 4 wheels it made them much happier - especially since no-one else in the family could drive at that point (including my parents). So it worked out well as I was able to become the family chaffeur!
I would imagine as you are a sensible person that he's no doubt inhertited some of your sensibleness (is that a real word?) & would therefore be careful by nature?

04-04-13, 14:16
Tessar..motorbike!!! I told mine they would never get a motorbike!!!!! Allan's son had a bad motorbike accident and ended up under a car. Luckily, thanks to his safety gear he survived but never got on the bike again.

04-04-13, 14:20
i came off a couple of times, both my own fault. one i misjudged a bend & ended up hitting a lamppost. just to demonstrate how much i wanted my mother to always come to my rescue, i was sat in the hospital (with only minor injuries) expecting her to walk through the door. of course she didnt as it wasnt necessary. plus they dont drive & It was late at night. i got a taxi home & when i limped through the door asking for money was the first she knew about it. doh.
i lost my nerve in the end, that's why i use 4 wheels now.....much safer!

04-04-13, 15:28
Lmao Tessar, I would die if he was taking this test on 2 wheels. Thank goodness it is 4, oh what we put our families through. Thank you for your well wishes, and encouragement, I am very luck to have you lovely ladies on my side. :hugs:

Annie, I promise if I ever get the nerve to get on a plane, I will head to England. I would love it. However, I am a long way from that. But I will keep thinking positive. :hugs:

04-04-13, 15:30
Let me know and I will meet you at the airport :D
Is your son back yet Debbi?

04-04-13, 17:10
Ughhhh, we don't leave for an hr. 2:00 our time is his appointment. I can't stand the anxious waiting. I am so shaky, and I have a huge headache. So silly to get like this, what will be, will be, right? I should of made hubby take him, but I am really trying to overcome silly little things like this. I'll probably get there have chest pains, and say that's it we have to go home. (just kidding, I hope, I have to do this) Thanks for hanging in there with me. :hugs:

04-04-13, 17:15
You are right what will be will be and if he is meant to pass now he will, if he isn't he won't :) xx

04-04-13, 17:27
Thanks Annie, talk to you soon. :hugs:

04-04-13, 17:28
Will keep my fingers crosses and my toes :D xx

04-04-13, 20:51
Annnnnnnnnnnie, and Tesssssssar, he passed!!! I am so proud of him, and so much more relaxed, still have that darn headache. Thank you once again for all your encouraging advice, your the best! :hugs: Debbi

04-04-13, 21:22
Congratulations!!!! I remember how stressful it was taking mine, they keep adding more and more to the test!

04-04-13, 21:36
That's so brilliant..... Debbie.....makes me very happy indeed. Super achievement. It must be brilliant being a proud parent! I hope your headache goes, our friends here are doing their best to help oust it....
:wall::wall::wall::ban::ban::ban::curse::curse::by ebye::byebye::byebye:

04-04-13, 21:41
Debbi I am so pleased for him :yahoo::yahoo: Now don't you start worrying about him out driving...he has passed his test so he must be good :) and I am sure with a Mom like you he must be a sensible boy so be proud of him and celebrate. :D He can be your private chauffeur now :D

05-04-13, 01:49
Oh my goodness, I just typed a book to all of you, and I don't know where it went. Thank you, and I will type back soon, I think I am burning his congratulations cake. :hugs:

---------- Post added at 16:49 ---------- Previous post was at 13:13 ----------

Awwww Tessar, I love those little people, they always make me smile, even when I see them on other posts. Thank you so much for your kind words today, and making me smile.:hugs:
Annie, thank you for being there once again. You make me laugh, the chauffeur, as soon as we got back in the car he goes "well mom, I can drive you around now, cause you do not like driving. lol" They think I just hate driving, they have no clue I panic, I never wanted it to rub off on them. Silly. thank you. :hugs:
Swgrl, thank you, I agree that test is hard. If I had to do it today, I would fail. I can not parallel park for my life. I go out of my way not to do that. Hope you are doing well. Thank you again. :hugs:

14-04-13, 14:42
Debbi, how's your son getting on with driving???