View Full Version : Have a kidney infection, but more worried about antibiotics

04-04-13, 12:13
Hi all

Well last night i woke up and my lower abdomen was really hurting. Id felt sicky all day and was wondering what it was. Then this morning my whole right side hurt and my lower back pain is excrutiating.

I went to GP she tested urine and said theres lots of wbcs, a little blood and protein. She said its probably affecting my kidneys now so gave me co-amoxiclav (amoxicillin and clauvanic acid combined).

Ive had this before, quite a lot last year actually, as i kept getting infections. But as my HA is at an all time high, Im worried. Ive just taken the 'double dose' as prescribed and convincing myself i cant breathe properly and that my mouth feels like pins and needles.... I started scratching my arm and now thinking Im having an allergic reaction.

I have had it loads of times before, but that was a year ago, will i have become allergic to it now???

Im sorry to ask, just feel so crap, worried about this infection but have to overcome this antibiotic hurdle first


04-04-13, 12:20
Nah, you're fine. You would know if you were having a reaction. Hives are intensly itchy and raised, there is no mistaking them. If you've had them tons of times before you will be just fine. You are doing a good thing by taking the drugs - they will make you feel so much better - try to concentrate on that instead of freaking yourself out.

04-04-13, 12:54
Thankyou, it's been an hour and a half since i took the double dose. Been feeling a bit 'itchy' on my arms and feet and keep thinking i 'cant breathe' properly and my lips are tingling....but like i said ive taken this lots of times last year (at stronger doses) and was ok...

How likely is it to develop a reaction/allergy to an antibiotic youve had before?? Im such a wimp :( this ruins my life thinking this way x

04-04-13, 13:07
Aww your not a wimp, we just let the thoughts take over. I don't like taking any kind of meds either, but I went through that kidney thing before, stones though, and you want to take that medicine, that pain is excruciating. I feel so bad for you. Take the medicine, you would of known by now if you were allergic, your symptoms would probably be so much worse. The symptoms you are getting is classic anxiety. Hope you feel better soon. :hugs:

04-04-13, 16:13
Well its been 4 hrs since my first dose....
I went to an appointment with my acupunturist, and had some treatment. I 'stupidly' said "I mean, its really rare to suddenly become allergic to an antibiotic you were ok with before isnt it?" and she frowned and said it had happened to her last time she took Trimethorprin which she had taken loads of times in the past. She said she came over very itchy....well now my scalp feels itchy and random patches on my body keep 'itching'. Theres no rash anywhere I can see.

I used to think that i was glad to have amoxicillin as id had it before and was ok with it. The irony is, if the dr gives me something ive never had before, then i probably wont take that as i'll be too scared .... Im such an idiot. So scared. Its mad, yesterday I thought I was having a heart attack. Today - this.


04-04-13, 17:05
Omg Charlotte, I am the same way, I have taken amox. a million times, but if they give me something new, I am reluctant to take it, and if I read the side effects, I will get everyone of them. Go figure the acupuncture lady would say that. I laugh not at you, with you, I do the same thing. Today it's my heart, and yesterday it was my head, ughhhhh. When will it end. You are going to be just fine. :hugs:

04-04-13, 17:08
Im scared to take the second dose now. I rang the pharmacist, she said it's unlikely and that my HA has a part to play in it. I dont have any rash, just itching.... x

04-04-13, 17:13
Awwww Charlotte, you are so fine. You can safely take it, you would of definitely known by now. It's just your mind playing tricks on you. You have to take it so you get better, that pain is not nice. Just take it, and keep talking on here, and reading. It is the HA getting to you. :hugs: Debbi You can do it, :yesyes:

05-04-13, 07:43
I took the 2nd antibiotic and had panic attack immediately after :( but didnt itch or feel uncomfortable. Have just woken up and taken my morning dose. Nerves are kicking in qgain and feel itchy. I spoke to my pharmacist friend.who.said reactions can come.after REPEATED exposure, so I got evwn.more worried. I think this is my 4th time of having amoxicillin in 18months.... Feel yuck with the infection too. Hate my life and the way I think x

05-04-13, 07:54
One thing I tell myself when I have to take something or do something that I'm worried I will react to, is that even if I do react, which is highly unlikely, the worst that will happen is that I will go to hospital and they will give me something to make me feel better. People very rarely die of reactions - it's so unlikely. If you had a severe a reaction, there would be no mistaking it and you would just go to hospital. That's it. Until you have that reaction you just need to stop worrying about it - if it happens, it happens, but the odds are so low. Anyway, the people that I know who have had reactions to antibiotics haven't died or even gone to hospital, they've just had a reaction and gone back to their doctor and not taken that antibiotic again. You are just fine.

05-04-13, 13:16
So proud of you, taking your medicine! :hugs: A couple days and your going to be a new person. :)

05-04-14, 22:58
Can anyone help me, I'm currently taking amoxiclav for kidney infection but I'm also supposed to take ferrous sulphate tablets 1 a day because my ferrous levels were only 7, but I forgot to ask doctor if I can take ferrous sulphate with antibiotics. As anyone taken this combination. Many thanks

05-04-14, 23:05
Amoxicillin or any antibiotic can make you feel a bit rough, but to get rid of the kidney infection you need it. I suspect its anxiety about side effects that are making you feel a bit strange. Extreme allergic reactions tend to happen very fast and since time has passed since you first started taking it I wouldn't worry. However if you are concerned speak to your gp who can look at a different antibiotic or will at least check to see if your having side effects to the drugs.