View Full Version : Scared

18-09-06, 14:49
I am really scared of having these attaacks that i can't sleep at night sometimes i fall asleep then wake up an hour later sweating and i start to worry, does anyone else have this? How can i get good nights sleep, i havent sleep a whole night in about 3 weeks[|)]. I end up keeping my husband up aswell.

When my attack start, they start for no real reason i have noticed the past two weekends it has happened the day after i had a drink, but this is not always the case. I get that worried that my whole body shakes and i think that i am going to die.

I don't know what to do anymore i need help but where. I have been to the doctors but they just keep changing my tablets and i do not want to take them because of the side effects. :(.

No one in my family really understand. What can i do that will help me?


18-09-06, 17:48

I know just how you feel. My panic attacks come out of nowhere. I can feel fine one minute and awful the next. I wish i could tell you how to stop it but i haven't worked that one out myself. I know how scary it is i feel for you i really do.
If you want to talk pm me anytime.

Love Rosebudxxx

18-09-06, 19:20
hiya, i totally understand what you are going through right now. i have been suffering off and on for years, it sounds really cheesy, but ive found that taking three deep breaths really helps to calm me, it doesnt get rid of the panic, but eases it. i used to get so dizzy that id fall over, which used to petrify me as i had no control over myself, but now i can stop it happening before it gets that far. as soon as i feel it start, i breathe in, hold it for a second, let it out slowly, and repeat it another two times. it has really helped me cope with these attacks. hope i have helped xx

18-09-06, 19:28
you are worrying about the next attack, thats whats keeping the panic cycle going, try some relaxation excercises at night, some visual images, deep breathing etc. try and relax (i know this is hard) but practise and i promise it does get easier, when you see a result it will give you more confidence. try not to make the mistake of feeling fear of fear.
take care

we are all stronger people after having this

19-09-06, 12:10
hi julie is totally right, i have the same symptoms, the dread of going to sleep just in case i feel bad again. but do try the breathing, with practice it does help although its quite hard when your having a panic, it does help
take care

19-09-06, 15:32
i cant remember last time i had a good nights sleep
fortunately i dont have a partner so only keep myself awake

what julie said works for me as well
though sometimes its an asthma attack i'm having


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

19-09-06, 20:55
Hello howiecats, sorry you're having it a bit rough. This sounds so familiar and it is so true that it is the fear/ panic /fear cycle that is making it so. Night time is the worst time for me too - I must clock up some miles wandering around the house!
But you must try and keep on top of it by doing anything that will help you relax. Reading a light hearted book, soothing music/video etc. Try and discover what works for you .
Don't quite know how to comment on the changing tabs but I would say, from experience, that if you keep going you will eventually get through the 'pain barrier' of side-effects. I know it doesn't seem so at the time, but plenty of us can testify to this.

Hope this doesn't last too long for you,

Lotsa Luv

'There are no such things as strangers; just friends we haven't made yet!'