View Full Version : 1st appointment with cbt

04-04-13, 13:32
Hi guys I had a phone call this morning,I have my 1st cbt booked for Tuesday 9th April.mixed feelings about this has when I spoke to someone at the end of January I was really low.I am so much better now I don't want to take up the appointment when there is someone somewhere who may need the appointment more.also I don't want them to think I was putting all this on just for attention.hope everyone is having a good day so far.

04-04-13, 14:12
Hi Jean. Whilst I can relate to your thoughts on this, my advice is to take the appointment. CBT is a really beneficial treatment, it worked very well for me & I use the skills I learned every day. In fact I have been doing this for years now. They help me see things very differently than I used to & if I experience difficulties in my current life (especially when the "old thoughts" start recurring) then I am far better equipped to deal with them.
On my first appointment I do recall saying to my therapist "I dont know what I'm doing here". I also said "thre are peole far worse of than me" as well!! Sound familiar? Oh and there is no way any health profressional worth their salt would ever consider a patient to be "putting it on for attention".
Jean, I have had a quick look at some of your threads, I have to say that CBT will help you, even if you feel better at the moment. The problem is that with life's ups & downs, its is always a possibility that you can have a recurrence of your symptoms. I dont mean to sound negative in saying that, like a profit of doom.... moreso from my own experience with life's ups & downs, the skills you learn WILL help you in day to day stuff.
Hopefully my input will be helpful to you & my feeling is "go for it" :-)

ps: i'm having an ok day thanks.

04-04-13, 14:44
I agree, when my anxiety is in remission I feel like my worries are totally a thing of the past and they seem pretty ridiculous, but when I have a relapse they just take over my thinking. It won't do any harm to have the tools to help you, even if you don't have a recurrence of your anxiety. It will give you the confidence gi know that if it does strike again, you're more likely to cope better with it.

04-04-13, 18:34
Hi Jean. Whilst I can relate to your thoughts on this, my advice is to take the appointment. CBT is a really beneficial treatment, it worked very well for me & I use the skills I learned every day. In fact I have been doing this for years now. They help me see things very differently than I used to & if I experience difficulties in my current life (especially when the "old thoughts" start recurring) then I am far better equipped to deal with them.
On my first appointment I do recall saying to my therapist "I dont know what I'm doing here". I also said "thre are peole far worse of than me" as well!! Sound familiar? Oh and there is no way any health profressional worth their salt would ever consider a patient to be "putting it on for attention".
Jean, I have had a quick look at some of your threads, I have to say that CBT will help you, even if you feel better at the moment. The problem is that with life's ups & downs, its is always a possibility that you can have a recurrence of your symptoms. I dont mean to sound negative in saying that, like a profit of doom.... moreso from my own experience with life's ups & downs, the skills you learn WILL help you in day to day stuff.
Hopefully my input will be helpful to you & my feeling is "go for it" :-)

ps: i'm having an ok day thanks.

Tessar thankyou so much for your reply on this,I have thought about this most of the day and I've decided that I will give it a bash.the reason I have thought this is if I turn this appointment down and in a few weeks time I have a relapse I may have to wait another few months or they might think because I had already turned 1 appointment down they might think I would do it again.they may also help me with my past,when I was 8 years old I was sexual abused by my best friends father.I did not tell my parents at the time has he said nobody would believe me and if I did he would kill me.18 year's ago I rang my parents to say could I see them in the afternoon with my husband for support has I had something to tell them.later on in the same morning my parents was traveling to town when my dad had a heart attack while driving and died while still driving.the car then went across 4 lanes of traffic and ended up in a ditch with the front bonnet in a 6 foot hole.my mum survived but I could not tell my mother after has she was not strong enough to take it.to this day I have still not told her.I did see a shrink (sorry could not spell the other name) for about 3 sessions which my husband had to pay for privately,but I found it very upsetting to talk about it.so I'm keeping my fingers crossed and pray that they can help me.Sorry for long reply but I just wanted to get this out.have a good evening.xxxx:bighug1:

---------- Post added at 18:34 ---------- Previous post was at 18:18 ----------

I agree, when my anxiety is in remission I feel like my worries are totally a thing of the past and they seem pretty ridiculous, but when I have a relapse they just take over my thinking. It won't do any harm to have the tools to help you, even if you don't have a recurrence of your anxiety. It will give you the confidence gi know that if it does strike again, you're more likely to cope better with it.

Cattia thankyou for your reply,I have decided to give it a go.they might help with some fears I have had for a very Longggggggg time.I will not mixed with people if we ever go out together (about twice a year)people stopped asking us out has a couple but I always say my husband can go on his own.he is a very good mixer and goes out every Wednesday for a 10 mile walk with a friend always dropping in to a few pubs on the way.he also goes out every week to either skittles or just a night out with the lads.I do not want to make him into a person like me.:bighug1: