View Full Version : Extreme Back Pain! Help!

04-04-13, 14:31
This has nothing to do with anxiety or panic but I don't know what to do!

Woke up with stiff back, it slowly loosened.

Just been sat down on the sofa for a bit, got up and took the washing out the machine and boom. The pain came back awfully. I can't move. I don't know what to do. Just taken 2 ibuprofen. Might take another diazepam. It's like a spasm. Keeps taking my breath away. So painful!! I can't move. Just lay on the floor but couldn't get up.
Was going to ring my dad but he just came home. It's horrible pain and I can't move.

What do I do??

04-04-13, 14:35
It sounds like muscular and a massage or physio would help. If you have any heat gel in the house, or if not whiskey (or anything with high alcohol level) get your Dad to massage it on your back...seriously whiskey is great for this :D
I have just been to my Physio this morning as I was having similar trouble with my back and he has worked wonders with it...I can move without looking like the tin man!

04-04-13, 14:49
I never get back pain! This is like a spasm! Might run a hot bath or something. Not sure if I want my dad massaging my back and I'm not sure he's going to want to do that, let alone waste his whiskey lol.

ARH! If only I can move!!

04-04-13, 14:53
A hot bath sounds like a good idea if you can get in and out of it! If it is going in spasms it sounds like you have twisted a muscle which is quite easy to do..you just have to turn the wrong way.