View Full Version : psych problems

04-04-13, 14:44
I am new to this site and hope that someone can reassure me that I am not going mad.

I have suffered with anxiety and depression for so long I cannot relate my whole story here.

I thought I had been able to cope with this problem on my own with the medication provided by my GP.

I have been on paroxetine for 10 yrs.

For the last week I have gone downhill after a virus. It started with a touch of tinnitus and has now moved to psychological problems.

I think that I am becoming deluded and a schizophrenic. I have always had a terrible fear of such a diagnosis.

I keep imagining a person saying I'm here to me. I am so confused and scared that I am not sure what is real anymore.

By the way I am 53 with a beautiful wife and 3 great kids. I everything going for me but I feel like I am at the end of my tether.

I discovered this site by accident and hope someone can let me know what they think.

Best wishes all,

rachel m
04-04-13, 19:25
Hiya Malc. Welcome to NMP. I,v been a sufferer for 20 odd years now and i can relate to what you are going through. Can i just say that if it was,nt for this site and all its lovely members, not to mention Nic, that lady has done wonders for me. You are at the end of your tether like i was, but take some time to look through all the other members posts and you will see that what you are feeling is so so common. Its just anxiety although its vile at its weakest it cant kill you. Dont let it win. Stick with us and we will help you as much as we can. I hope this gives you a little comfort.

04-04-13, 20:46

You cannot know what a relief it is to hear from you and others.
The difficulty is feeling so alone in this state.
I don't have any relatives or friends who can identify with the feelings that I have. I think it is something that only those who have experienced it can understand the total wretchedness of the condition.
I am really pleased to hear that you are moving forward and that there is life beyond this.

Best wishes,
