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View Full Version : PATHETIC!!!!!!

04-04-13, 15:13
I've suffered with severe anxiety since 2006 had a meltdown at Christmas and had started to feel better for the past 5 weeks, until this weekend and here we go again, but its a little different this time anxiety seems not as severe but keep bursting into tears at the slightest of things, i feel so close to the edge and have started to feel like i'm letting my family down and a total burden on them although i have the most supportive loving family, so is this now depression?
I also became a dad for the first time 4 weeks ago to a gorgeous perfect baby boy. So why have have i started to feel like this?????:weep::weep::weep::weep:

04-04-13, 15:48
Sorry to hear you are feeling like this. Even though the experience of having a new baby is wonderful I can only imagine that its a big adjustment to your life. Its an emotional time for you. Do you think maybe that this has triggered your anxiety?

Wishing you the best
Hannah :)

04-04-13, 16:03
Have you considered it may be a little bit of post natal depression?

04-04-13, 16:10
Stress factors play a big part in our levels of anxiety, even "good" stress like a new family member.

Before I started taking pregabalin I was tearful at the slightest thing, use to get the whole body shakes too.

There's a fine line between anxiety and depression at times, but anxiety can certainly make you hyper-emotional.

I also feel a burden etc, but that's down to the destruction of self-esteem that can accompany anxiety.

04-04-13, 16:10
Matt, having your first child is a massive event, physically and emotionally, also you are adjusting to being responsible for someone else for the rest of his life. I'm not surprised you are emotional, it's a big deal, I'd say this has a lot to do with how you feel presently. Congratulations, and enjoy your little boy!