View Full Version : Lymphoma worries

04-04-13, 15:47
Aaarrrgghhh why do I have to Google everything even when I know 90% of the time it makes me worse?!

I had an itchy spot on the top of my foot without a rash which made me Google. Nothing actually pointed to Lymphoma until I typed in "Lymphoma Itch Symptoms" to try and reassure myself...I feel like an idiot even typing this!
I applied some Lamisil in the hope that it was Athlete's foot and it has eased a lot. Yet now that whole leg and foot has become tingly, crawly and burning. The Lymphoma itching is described as intense and burning which scares me but I am not actually itching any more!

I read a post by many people who have been diagnosed with Lymphoma who stated that they had itching for up to several years prior to their diagnosis, that their bloodwork had come back normal and it was only x-rays and biopsies that had shown up the illness.

Now I currently have a cyst on my neck (diagnosed by physical examination) which I'm sure has grown, thrush which won't respond to pessaries or oral medication, and abnormal but not "worryingly high" ESR levels which need to be re-tested. My other bloods were fine which, until now, I had used to reassure myself that I was ok. I have had a cold and sore throat which lasted for nearly two weeks and a self-diagnosed post-nasal drip. Oh and to top it off, excess stomach acid and painful nipples (I don't have a time of the month due to the mini-pill I'm on). So it's all fun and games in my mind at the moment!

My anxiety levels are through the roof at the moment, and it feels that once I get over one symptom another one begins.

I am seeing the GP on Monday which feels like an eternity away. I want to go back onto 20mg Citalopram and talk about CBT. Last time they referred me to a Counsellor who used elements of CBT but that wasn't successful. I've also tried private hypnotherapy which made no difference and the hypnotherapist turned out to be a bit of a cowboy. Am at my wit's end at the moment, the only rest my mind gets is when I am asleep!