View Full Version : Med side effects, panic, or both?

04-04-13, 19:13
I've been on lowest dose beta-blockers and lowest dose xanax. My blood pressure can run on the low side of normal, and when I tried the 2.5 bisoprolol I couldn't take it. 2 days in a row, 2 afternoons of lying down faint with my feet up until the drug wore off. Now today I took my normal low dose 1.25 beta-blocker, then a 0.25 xanax a few hours later, and another 0.25 when I felt wound up about four hours later. Felt nice and calm briefly, then started getting that can't breathe panic sensation, had to lie down with my legs up and my pulse weaker than normal, and get sick. I've taken double doses of xanax before, and xanax at the same time as a beta-blocker, but then I'm particularly tired and worn out today.

Does this sound like side-effects or a panic symptom? This intolerence is annoying me, because the xanax really does make me feel calmer. I'm developping an itchy rash on my arm now, but I assume I haven't suddenly developped a new alergy?