View Full Version : update on progress!

18-09-06, 15:31
Hi, I wrote a few weeks ago about knocking this HA on its head, deciding enough was enough. Well i just wanted to give an update on that in the hope that it will help others. Things are going just brilliantly. I still have a bad throat but now i think..'i can cope with this and i believe the dr when he says its anxiety. Its not cancer'...now i realise this I feel as though i have nearly got my life back. I am back at work full-time, I have been going out with my friends and family, I have stopped the damn googling and now when i get a symptom i somehow seem able to keep it in perspective and realise that I am ok so in turn i ignore it. I so hope this gives some of you hope for when you think things are so bad, I swear to you they can get better.
I hope you are all having great days.

18-09-06, 17:01
Thank you Ballandalloch your post for me came at a good time. Thank you xx

Take Care
