View Full Version : Is it ever going to get better?

Cat lady
04-04-13, 19:27
Im on week 5 now of 40mg of Fluoxetine before this I was on 20mg for about 18 months, then 20mg of ciprelex before that. this last week has been really bad I cant stop crying, my appetite has vanished, i forget how to breathe properly and feel so bad that i feel like im going to be sick, Im not going to kill myself but it feels like an option to make the pain go away. I just want to be happy again. I cant stop thinking of all the bad things that Ive been through lately, I cant open up to people and I feel pathetic and weak. I don't know if Im having panic attacks anxiety attacks or its just a bout of depression. :weep: Ive lost interest in my appearance too.

moan over..

04-04-13, 19:34
I can't really comment on fluoxetine as I don't take it but 5 weeks isn't long although it can seem like a life time. It will get better and you will be happy again. Just focus on the positives however little they may be. The sickness is awful. Just try to eat little and often. I used to just nibble on rich tea biscuits. Sending you hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs: xx

04-04-13, 19:35
Hi Cat lady
You are not pathetic or weak you are a strong woman even if you don't feel it right now, You are suffering from all of this but still keep going, that is strong! It sounds like a mixture of anxiety and depression to me, have you spoken to your doctor about how you are feeling?

04-04-13, 20:08
Hi Cat Lady
I felt like that a few months back, and my medication was changed from citalopram to mirtazapine. They told me it would take about 2-4 weeks to start working, which seemed a lifetime. After about 6 weeks I did feel a bit better, but my negative thoughts are the problem now. I have found talking about it extremely difficult, but have managed to open up to my doctor, and more recently my parents. It helps to think someone knows the turmoil you're in, even if they don't really understand. I'm feeling pretty hopeless at the moment, but I'm really hoping to feel better in myself soon.

Sue x

04-04-13, 20:23
Hi Cat Lady, at 5 weeks on Fluxotiene I felt exactly like you, it was a horrible time and I really hit rock bottom and the symptons were the same, it is the medication, try and tell yourself that it is because it is working on your body, not easy I know when you feel so bad, try and eat little and often, you will start to feel better soon and the anxiety will ease, just before 6 weeks I suddenly started to feel better. It does seem to take between 6 and 8 weeks to work for a lot of people.


---------- Post added at 20:23 ---------- Previous post was at 20:20 ----------

Oh and it was a struggle to have a bath and wash my hair too which is not like me, but when you feel better that improves again.

04-04-13, 21:17
Sending you hugs :hugs: :hugs: Cat lady. xx

06-04-13, 17:44
Im on week 5 now of 40mg of Fluoxetine before this I was on 20mg for about 18 months, then 20mg of ciprelex before that. this last week has been really bad I cant stop crying, my appetite has vanished, i forget how to breathe properly and feel so bad that i feel like im going to be sick, Im not going to kill myself but it feels like an option to make the pain go away. I just want to be happy again. I cant stop thinking of all the bad things that Ive been through lately, I cant open up to people and I feel pathetic and weak. I don't know if Im having panic attacks anxiety attacks or its just a bout of depression. :weep: Ive lost interest in my appearance too.

moan over..
I know how difficult your situation is BUT IS GOING TO BE BETTER. For about one year I was on different medication, thinking all day about suicide, and then my doctor find the best one. Now I'm a normal person without any symptoms. It takes tame and you will be better. Be strong.

Cat lady
07-04-13, 17:43
first session of counseling tomorrow, been very honest on my valuation sheet, went on a drinking binge this weekend which wasn't the best idea but somehow i feel a little stronger for it, not that I would recommend it to anyone. I will pop back to the doctors and be a little more open about things.

08-04-13, 11:23
Hi cat lady, I understand how hard it is, ive been on two different types of medication and although it helped from time to time as soon as I felt strong enough I came off them, as I didnt want a crutch anynore i wanted to get better knowing its myself that got better, its myself thts done it and that im not dependant on medication, but tht doesnt mean tht everyone should be without medication each person is different but just think these tablets will kick in soon enough and u need to focus on the fact tht there is always a way, whether it be medication, therapy, self help or a combination of all three, each time you will peel back the layers untill you are recovered, you are a stong person for even being able to acknowledge and speak about your problems remember there is always light at the end of the tunnel :-)