View Full Version : Repeat after me: It's nothing, it's totally nothing... (seeking humour & reassurance)

04-04-13, 19:43
I've had this account for absolutely years (well I've been on here for years but apparently had this account six months?! Argh, stress!) but I can't get onto the chat rooms (whyyyyyyy) so I'm frantically typing this in here...

Long story short:

-Four/five years ago had breakdown.
-Part of breakdown was complete healthy anxiety panic.
-Breakdown over
-Several years of long off and short on periods of depression
-Been a bit low recently
-Got diagnosed with genital warts (yippee for me)
-Saw dentist and am now having wisdom tooth out and she announced I have problems with my gums

Then here's the kicker - I just found a little bump right under my chin, because I tilted my head up to the ceiling and underneath my neck strained and hurt, spotted this lump - its now been an hour of pulse-racing panic, I've poked it enough that it really hurts and now I'm crying at home alone because I can't talk to anyone about it.
Can I just say hello? Help?

04-04-13, 19:58

I'm sorry to hear that you are having all of these troubles. In regards to the bump under your chin, I'm really sure it isn't anything serious. If you keep prodding it will hurt more. I've had swollen glands recently with a little lump on the side of my neck and it hurt alot every time I kept touching it. I had swollen glands because I was fighting an infection. Do you think that could be the case with you? It may be related to having your wisdom tooth out as well?

Best Wishes

04-04-13, 20:04
Hello PhoenixGrey .... I'm no expert in HA matters I'm afraid but I wanted you to know that I have read your post and I am thinking of you.
The Chat room thing... Could it be how many posts you've made? As in not enough? or i know that you have to be a member for so many days before chat is available. but if you've been on here a while that shouldnt matter. Actually I don't know what it is. What a great help I am. At least you know that I am thinking of you even if I haven't been alot of use in solving your current issue!!
Re: depression... I relate as it is something I have had two bouts of now. Not at all pleasant is it?
Of "the bump" .... No poking... Coz I said so.... (In the kindest possible way of course :emot-blink:)
Teeth/gums.... It is alot to deal with & I relate as I have had my fair share of dental work including all my wisdom teeth removed at various points. But what is important is... First off if they sort your wisdom teeth.... If it is anything like me... You will feel a whole lot better for it.
Second,... your gums... It's good that you will have them sorted too because gum disease is something of a silent condition that people are often unaware of. It isn't nice to be told that but it is reassuring to know it is going to be dealt with. That way you can keep it In check.
Byeeee for now and try not to worry or wind yourself up And no more poking under any circumstances or my army of friends will come & see you
:scared15::emot-poke::buttkick::curse::scared15::emot-poke::buttkick::curse::byebye::byebye::byebye::bye bye::byebye::byebye::byebye::byebye::byebye:

04-04-13, 20:15
Hi guys thank you!

I know that glands go up, and i've got these warty fun things (woohoo!), an enormous spot on my chin, saw the dentist on monday, and a bit of a cough, so I'm kind of assuming that its just a gland - problem is, I've noticed it, and I've poked it, and now it hurts so I'm more aware of it's large sore annoyingness.....

Thank you Hannah for your kindness, and Tessar for making me laugh! :)

04-04-13, 23:12
Here's one of my own HA classics - Oh my gosh, I have LUPUS. I'm going to die. -frantically starts Googling- = It was a shaving rash.

Seriously, it's a HARMLESS flight or flight response (and it's terrifying I know, especially when it turns up with a depressed spot), but you will be okay and you WILL feel better soon. You got over it once and you'll get over this panic attack even quicker because you are stronger then before!

Take care xxxx

05-04-13, 09:55
I decided I had swollen gland just below my ear the other day because it felt a bit sore. It took less than a minute for me to escalate it to galloping cancer or something similar! Last night I found if I faced forward in my chair instead of turning my head sideways to watch the TV, both sides felt the same!

We are full of lumps and bumps - and, as I've discovered this week - spots and marks in all sorts of places. The answer, just leave them alone and DON'T whatever you do GOOGLE!

05-04-13, 17:31
Yup yup yup! Well it's still a bit sore today, but am successfully convincing myself that it is a swollen gland caused because I'm run down and nothing more, am about to spend a chille weekend with my bf and as I haven't mentioned this to him I know I should have a thought-free weekend (well, relatively) and hopefully without prodding it and screwing around it should be a hell of a lot calmer by Monday and I'll feel better about the whole situation! :/)

Have a good weekend everybody thanks for being your usual awesome selves!

Ps. If it hasn't gotten better by Monday, expect me to return in a panic, no guarantee but it's quite likely!