View Full Version : Pains in head and brain tumour fear!

04-04-13, 20:00
Over the last couple of weeks or so I have been getting headache type pains in my right temple and behind my right eye, sometimes I get shooting pains across the top of my head - all seem to take place on the right hand side of my head. I also have problems with my right nostril/sinus which is often blocked and the pain seems to circulate around the sinuses. I also have a post nasal drip down back of throat. Have been to see an ENT consultant who said my sinuses were fine. Does anyone else experience this kind of thing?? I am convincing myself that I have a brain tumour now 'cos sometimes it seems to make my right eye feel weird. Have started a new job in a mad busy pharmacy been there 10 weeks and these symptoms have definitely got worse since starting there. Can this all be due to anxiety/stress or is it possiby a sinus problem or dare I say brain tumour?? I am driving myseld mad with worry. My doctor knows what an anxiety sufferer I am and I am ashamed to go to him again with another problem - I just seem to drift from one symptom to the next. Am also menopausal and have read that sinus problems and sinus headaches can be a symptom of the menopause. When will this HA end?

Carly Lou
04-04-13, 20:37
Hi Jane... nearly all of my threads the last few weeks have been so similar to this... the headaches, sinius issues, i too was convinced i had a brain tumour... diagnosed myself using trusty google ofcourse aswell which set me off into a mass panic..
i also then decided i have MS.... joined all the symptoms into one with some other random symptoms i had at the time which now have gone...
Ive been to the docs a few times about this and went again today because ud been feeling like this for weeks now... he said i havent got sinuitus or a brain tumour.. he checked my eyes and said they were all fine... he thinks i have a virus and where im tierd and constantly run down worrying it was/is a brain tumour im not really getting better and my anxiety is making the symptoms more worse... im on antibiotics now... see if this works... but he also said my sinus was fine... doesnt feel fine to me... before all of this i was getting a headache every day and i really was bloody worried...
also if you are a stressed at work because it is busy.. your not allowing yourself time to get better... im the same in my job...
you most certainly have not got a brain tumour... i even have dizziness etc but thats all related to my anxiety which has subsided now thank god !!! that was setting me off into a mass panic

Hope this has helped a little


04-04-13, 22:27
Thanks CarlyLou for you kind reply. You have made me feel a lot calmer now, just reading through similar posts on this site has helped me rationalise. I am very stressed at the moment and I know this is not helping plus the more I think about it the worse I am making it. My doctor once told me that my brain won't let things go and I know he is right.

Thanks again for your support, it is good to hear back from other HA sufferers.