View Full Version : Hey all - back pain?

04-04-13, 20:47
I have been having pain in my back on the left side for the past couple of weeks, off and on. It will happen one day then be gone for several days and then return.

The pain is located right where my lowest floating rib is. I thought/panicked at first that it was some sort of problem with my kidneys, but I don't have any fever or urine issues PLUS I've noticed that when I press on the end of that rib it hurts.

What is worrying me is that when compared to my other floating rib in the same place, this rib just feels all around larger than the rib on the right side. Which of course had me fearing some sort of tumor as the size is especially more noticeable on the end, but I'm just not sure.

I have had costochondritis in the past, but am not hurting anywhere on my rib cartilage now. I'm also not sure if this is even related, because like I said that rib feels larger and obviously floating ribs don't have cartilage to become inflamed.

I'm really getting concerned. I can't Google (maybe a blessing) because I don't even know *what* to Google, but it really just means that I'm panicking blindly. Which seems silly but it is what it is.

I have a great doctor, but he's really best when something is very clear-cut and has a cause - I don't like going when I'm afraid of something simple because I don't know what good it would do and I do like coming across as crazy. Last time I was there for my costochondritis that had been acting up for weeks he simply told me to up my Aleve intake and call that good.

So what does everyone think? I DO carry a heavy backpack around so that may be the cause of my back pain - but is it normal to have a difference in size between the ribs on either side? Am I panicking for no reason?

15-04-13, 04:07
hi i can truly relate to this post,but for me i have it on my right side.also feels that floating rib pain and slightly larger i was also diagnosed of costochondritiis and still having a lot of pain everyday.just got tired of going to the docs