View Full Version : Overthinking like mad!!!!

04-04-13, 23:30
Hello everyone, I have a stupid problem but for some reason can't stop obsessing about it.
Well my brothers girlfriend broke her phone so I let her use an old one I found in my cupboard but today I got a txt of my brother saying that when she inserted her sim my old messages were still in & they read a few. They said they only read a couple but had a few laughs as the message were pretty cringing because I was seeing my ex at time.
I don't have anything to hide but I hate the thought of people reading my messages & plus my family don't really know the true extent of my anxiety & I used to confined in my ex all the time....
Well as I said not a massive deal but just cant stop thinking about it:weep:

05-04-13, 00:10
Hi. Well, we've all done it. Long as there's nothing really bad on there, put it down to experience. I think everyone has had something like that, sending a txt to the wrong person is another.

Just have to let time pass, and/or get the phone back and delete the texts.

Welcome to normality!! We all make mistakes. try and chill, it will go out your mind eventually.

Try and sleep.

05-04-13, 00:25
Yea ive sent txt to the wrong person before... not good. Im just worried as only really confided in my ex while at my worst & message could be a lot more that my family knew.
I just keep thinking is if the messages were about my problem then they probably would have just kept quiet, especially my older brother he fears nothing. He must has stole the fearlessness (sorry cant thing what that is)
Anyway thanks x