View Full Version : scared and panicking please someone help calm me down :(

05-04-13, 00:35
Hi everyone..I have suffered from anxiety for a while but it was starting to improve and I havent been as panicky recently. But what with all the news about north korea this week iv started to get really scared. Iv always feared nuclear war because its something I have absolutely no control over. It makes me sick to the stomach thinking about it. Tonight I thoight I would check the news before I went to bed because i feel the need to find out as much information about things as possible...BIG MISTAKE! I'm now shaking uncontrollably and feel so panicked!!
Is anyone of a rational mind able to offer some advice because at this moment I'm just thinking the worst-that something will happen in the night and we might all die.
Thanks in advance!

05-04-13, 00:40
We won't die in the night and things like this are going to be all over the news.

I never watch the news as it is all gloom and doom.

We have so many scares like this all the time.

You will still be here tomorrow I promise

05-04-13, 00:43
I know I hadn't watched it but my dad does and I caught sight of that and have been obsessed ever since. I have to research every possible outcome because then I feel like I have more control. But in reality it just makes me realise how little control I have and it makes me feel sick. I hate feeling like this :( but as long as I know we will be fine tonight, I know I wont feel like this tomorrow when I wake up

05-04-13, 01:16
I am sure you will wake up tomorrow with the same thoughts to be honest whereas I will wake up and not care.

It is just how we are individually.

I am a great believer in what will be will be and we can't change it so no point stressing over it to be honest.

05-04-13, 02:09
First of all the weapons of mass destruction, can't even reach england. Second of all, if they hit anywhere near russia, china or USA, it's game over for north korea. It won't even be a war, it will be more of a game over scenario depending on which country they go for, which would be very stupid.

If he does go for it, you have to question his sanity. The people of North Korea are very stupid.

05-04-13, 04:42
br19893 - I used to do this too, but I'm more in the what will be will be camp now too. You somehow have to get your head around the fact that is totally out of your control, so whether you research it or you get anxious about it, it isn't going to change anything and no point worrying about it until it's confirmed that something is or is going to happen. Even then why worry? If you found out that we had 1 day to live, would you spend the whole time panicking or would you make the most of the time you had left?

Maybe instead of focussing on the negatives of what might happen, you need to read some positive stories. I find it inspiring reading about someone who has lost their legs in an accident but has come through and is now running a marathon and living their life to the fullest - stories like that are much better for your psyche than end of the world ones. Also remember that the media thrives on hsyteria - they want to you be scared so you keep watching. It's all a beat up to keep them in a job, don't get sucked in by it.

Hope you're feeling better today.

05-04-13, 08:48
North Koreans are NOT stupid people.

They are living under a communist regime where their lives are controlled. Only the top elite have access to things we would take for granted, many have no running water, those that do can only dream of hot water. Medicine is hard come by, most films or tv is propaganda (if not all) and you would avoid toeing the political line at your peril. The only countries with higher capital punishment statistics are Iran and China. Not great human rights records.

If you or I were unfortunate enough to be living there we would certainly be singing political songs with fervour if we wanted to live.

Question the leaders, or speak out about the poverty across much of the country.... Well you'd be dead by morning possibly....

05-04-13, 21:19

I am exactly the same. My two biggest fears are space ... asteroids etc and nuclear bombs so the last six months have been hell for me imagining we are going to be obliterated by an asteroid and now this. I have irrational fear. I'm the worst. I think as much as it worries me i have to stay calm because i know ( the rational part of me) that the whole world will have their nukes pointed at North Korea saying " go on, i dare ya". They are not that stupid. ( we hope). Have a look on the bbc site, you will see the radius their missiles can reach. Hopefully this will make you feel better. I was sat in the hairdressers when i read they were asking for UK embassy to look at an evacuation plan before tenth of April, i nearly ran out screaming. I then read between the lines and how the media are reporting that story is not what is actually being said ... over hyped ....:)

06-04-13, 00:31
North Koreans are NOT stupid people.

They are living under a communist regime where their lives are controlled. Only the top elite have access to things we would take for granted, many have no running water, those that do can only dream of hot water. Medicine is hard come by, most films or tv is propaganda (if not all) and you would avoid toeing the political line at your peril. The only countries with higher capital punishment statistics are Iran and China. Not great human rights records.

If you or I were unfortunate enough to be living there we would certainly be singing political songs with fervour if we wanted to live.

Question the leaders, or speak out about the poverty across much of the country.... Well you'd be dead by morning possibly....

Didn't mean it literally. They are stupid in the sense that they are living in a bubble and no democracy. Sorry if you took it literally.

06-04-13, 07:38
North Korea might have nuclear weapons and missiles, but I read somewhere that they lack the sophisticated guidance systems and re-entry shields necessary to make them land on a target.

Furthermore, I imagine the South Koreans and their US allies have far more intelligence on North Korea than they let on. This would include living and working locations of North Korean leaders, location of communication and transportation infrastructure, military installations, and so on. All that would be targeted by cruise missiles and could be destroyed within a few days.

But I'm here to write about anxiety, not politics! I'm working in Japan, a bit closer to the action, and I don't let it disturb my sleep.