View Full Version : Just called in sick and feel like crap about it

05-04-13, 13:41
I'm really at my lowest and I was too scared to go to work and not be able to last the day or not even make it to work that I called in sick. I only work on fridays because of how not well I am these past few months. I'm waiting to get in an anxiety clinic and it's taking forever. Anyways, had I not called in sick and went to work, the risk of a panic attack that would make me unable to stay was too high and then they wouldn't have been able to call somebody else to replace me.

I found it was the sensible thing to do, even if it's bad for me to cancel on important things like that. I just don't want anybody else to be burdened by my incapacities. And my boss doesn't even understand mental illnesses, so if I went and he saw that I was physically there, he would've thought I was fine on the inside too.

I'm sorry to bother you with this, but I called my mother and she wasn't ok with me calling in sick and it made me feel like a bad person.

05-04-13, 14:07
I think you did the right thing calling in sick if you were feeling really anxious. Don't let not going to work worry you. Only someone who has experienced this can fully understand how debilitating it can be. :hugs:

05-04-13, 14:12
Don't feel bad about it, everyone has days like that :hugs:

NE21 worrier
05-04-13, 14:44
Hello Annie,

I know exactly how you feel. If you see this thread in the Panic Forum section ('Feel like I'm skiving' - can't post link), I have just had to tell my employer that I've been given a six-week sick note, and I feel terribly guilty about it.

**At the same time, though, I am following the medical advice of an experienced GP who has assessed that I need this time off. You are not taking time off on a whim, you are making a rational decision.**

Good luck, I hope you feel better soon,

05-04-13, 14:50
You are absolutely not a bad person Annie. I know how hard it can be. You might want to think about how you can be better prepared to face it next week as avoidance can sometimes make things worse if you let it become a habit. Try not to beat yourself up though x

05-04-13, 16:07
Thank you for all the replies, I'll try and make something good out of today and I'll certainly work on coping techniques so this happens less and less often... :)

05-04-13, 17:33
Use the time to feel better, and make use of it, do nice things if you can, and enjoy yourself where possible :yesyes:

05-04-13, 23:17
I feel bad too when I phone in sick, possibly due in part to being one sick day away from a second warning.

To be honest if my employer gets funny with me I tell them straight. I have been known to tell them I'm phoning in sick because I've got the s**ts - that prevents the usual fake banter where they politely tell you to come in if you feel better later in the day, and you politely reply that you will (when you are actually thinking that you need to get off the phone because you're halfway through series 4 of Merlin). They just say "oh" and go quiet, and I say "I'll hopefully see you tomorrow".

There, I think that clarifies the situation :P

EDIT: I'm not a skiver. Any more.