View Full Version : Stomach, kidney worries. Please help!

05-04-13, 13:59

I have been struggling now for 4 weeks with awful anxiety. It all started when my back hurt and I was told I had sprained it. The pain moved into my buttock and thigh, but has since got better. I googled and then got scared that it could actually be my kidneys. Then I kept getting pains in the area of my right kidney. I went to the doc (several!) and had dipstick urine tests which showed trace blood but NO infection. I know that blood in urine and pains is a symptom of kidney cancer and I am terrified that that is what I have. 6 years ago I had trace blood on all dipsticks and was referred to urologist where I had a scan, xray and cystoscopy and nothing was found. The consultant said that it was a common finding on dipsticks and that as long as its been checked I can
accept that it's "just me"! Fast forward to now and I have the blood again and twinges around right kidney. My doctor said that there was no need to refer me again as it was investigated and is normal for me!

Since then I have developed more symptoms. I keep getting random sharp pains in different parts of my tummy, have loose bowels occasionally and sometimes diahorrea. All this started in the last few weeks. I have lost my appetite and can't stop crying. I keep thinking I have kidney cancer, or another type in my tummy. I keep feeling my heart pounding and sometimes feel like I need to take deep breath. Doctors tell me it's anxiety! I am too scared to get blood tests in case it shows that I am anaemic (this to me is a sign of internal bleeding and cancer) although I did have a kidney function blood test which was normal. I was thinking of going to get a well woman scan done privately, but am too scared. My husband says that he doesn't want me to go down that route because it will only lead to more doubts and worries.

Can all this really be as a result of anxiety? Anyone relate? Should I believe the docs and accept that this is an anxiety problem? I hear of so many cases where the docs have got it wrong and I keep thinking that I am very ill. I am 44 years old and before all this started was completely fine, although I have suffered with horrendous anxiety in the past.

Any words of advise would be great, especially if anyone can relate.

Anxiety Jim
05-04-13, 14:17
Just a quick thought, the blood in urine could be a kidney stone? I was in hospital because one of them in January. I'd been having twinging / sharp pains occasionally for years, and then one day a lot of pain. I was told there was blood in my urine when they took a sample, and said it was because of the kidney stone.

Could explain the twinges and blood I guess. I've got a stone in my other kidney too and the dr told me it could be there 10 years before it made it's way out. I still get twinges from it occasionally too.

Might not be related to you're problems at all, but I guess it shows other reasons for blood.

05-04-13, 14:24
hi Flattercat
I'm relating to all of what you are saying, but I am going thro tests at the moment. had a CT scan on my kidneys yesterday and a cystoscopy last week. I found blood a couple of weeks ago and did have it last year, but did'nt do anything about it..Too scared I think.

All I can think of cancer, have to wait for the results. The Doctor says alot of my concerns are anxiety, I do know some of it maybe but how do they know when you feel so crappy. I get scared they will miss some symptons.

I f you feel that you again need some tests, then tell your Doctor, dont be scared, like me, and leave it.

05-04-13, 15:18
Thanks for replying to me.

Jim - Not sure about the stones, but GP ruled them out as all my urine has been clear apart from the trace blood.

Katie- I feel for you. I remember when I had all those tests and I was so worried. But the cons just said everything was normal and that it's really common for people to get trace blood on their dipsticks. Did you see blood? Part of me wants to just accept the docs and move on because deep down I suspect that even if they did test me again I would then move onto another area:weep:

06-04-13, 10:22
Hi... yes there was blood in my water, quite alot, so was scary. I just wait and see what the results are. I did have kidney stones years ago when I was pregnant, and they said they can return. Are you on any medication for your anxiety?

06-04-13, 11:49
Hi Katie

Yes, I'm on sertraline, but still waiting for it to kick in. I was on 50mg then went up to 100mg just over 2 weeks ago. What about you?

06-04-13, 12:05
Hi there,
I can only say from personal experience that a dipstick test showing blood should always be followed with a urine specimen being sent to hospital for full culture testing. I was told that dipstick testing is not 100% reliable. I really don't understand your G.P. not following this up and also not wanting to refer you back to a urologist. 6 years is a long time since you were last seen.
From an anxiety viewpoint we all know that this can do strange things to our bodies but it dosn't cause blood on a dipstick. Please go back to your G.P. and insist on a hospital culture being done and see if that shows anything or ask to be refered back to a urologist.
At the end of the day if you do nothing you are only going to sit there worrying what it might be and making yourself feel worse.

Lainie x

06-04-13, 15:28
Thank you for your reply Lainie

I understand what you are saying. The docs said that because my samples were clear of everything else and that the blood was trace and the same amount I always have that they aren't concerned. They did do a kidney function blood test, which was normal and because I have no other symptoms relating to my urine they were happy. I know that anxiety has nothing to do with the blood, but all the docs I have seen (quite a few!) aren't concerned.

Now, reading your reply to me has scared me even more. Kidney cancer is all I can think about.


06-04-13, 17:57
Hello again,
I'm so very sorry to have scared you more, that wasn't my intention at all flatterycat. I was speaking from personal experience as over the years I have had kidney and bladder problems.
As your doctors seem to be happy with your results perhaps another visit to your G.P. to discuss your anxiety about cancer would help.
Any questions please PM me if you'd like to.
Lainie x

06-04-13, 19:02
Thanks Lainie

You are right that I really need to deal with the anxiety. I have recently started sertraline at 100mg. I have bruises on my sides where I keep checking for aches and lumps and have made it sore. I want to start getting better by cutting out the body checking and googling, but not sure where to start.

Just this week I have worried that I have a range of terrible illnesses.

Thank you for getting back to me - you know how HA makes you read into everything in a negative way.

Sarah x

06-04-13, 19:59
Hi Sarah....
I can totally identify with what you're saying about HA...I promise myself that I'm not going to google any symptom but it dosn't last and I find myself drawn to the pc to check things out and usually come away feeling worse than I did before!
I am about to start sertraline but even this is causing anxiety as I fear side effects from the medication. I have to keep telling myself they will make me feel better and I hope they work for you too.

Lainie x

06-04-13, 20:21
Thanks Lainie

I used to take Citalopram for many years, but after having my little girl in 2009 my HA got worse and I felt they weren't helping any more. After talking to the doc we agreed to try me on Sertraline. I started on 50mg for a week or so then went up to 75 then 100. The side effects have been fine (hard to know what's a side effect and anxiety) a bit of rushing to loo but nothing obvious I can say is definitely the meds.

I hope you get some results with them x

07-04-13, 11:14
As we all do on here I have health anxiety and to be honest for my own peace of mind I pay for an annual abdominal scan and a transvaginal scan. For me this is the only way I can give myself temporary relief from the overwhelming anxiety. I would suggest that if your GP wont help then maybe you should go down this path. Where I go each scan costs £40.00 and you get the result there and then.

07-04-13, 11:51
Hi Frankie

Yes I have considered this route - even rang up about it. But, my husband is very against it. He says it will simply fuel the anxiety more and that I will move on to a different part of my body. Either that or I will find something which needs investigating (which is harmless) and need more tests and get into an even worse state. I remember years ago after I had scans etc of my kidneys and bladder and it was all normal, I was really happy but within days I started worrying about developing a serious mental health problem - for which there is no scan! Some days I think I will just get scanned, but others I think I need to deal with the anxiety.

Sarah x

08-04-13, 16:52
Today I have a new pain on my right side at the waist where it dips in. So scared its kidney cancer - cant believe its anything else, especially with the invisible blood I have had show on dipstick.
