View Full Version : Freaking out

05-04-13, 17:58
Hey guys,

I know all has been heard before but I really need to write it somewhere... So anyways past few weeks I've started having chest pains, stomach pains, stitch type pain in my right chest area on breathing in or moving, lightheadedness, back pain, shoulder pain, arm pain, you name it. I have been also feeling week for the past week, so I got into a mode of what if.

Yesterday I went to a&e. I've told them I had panic attack in 06 and when I was there they checked me, took blood etc. and the nurse told me they've checked If I had a heart attack just in case (which I didn't). So ever since then I've been obsessing about every ache and pain and feeling in my body, and I've been terrified of heart attack / heart problems ever since.

So the doctor checks me out my heart rate is 100, she gives me ECG. ECG gives out a result she says everything is ok just one thing she needs to check. She calls a senior doctor, they bring out Ultra Sound check my heart all good, (later i got tests back it says ECG result "ST&T abnormality consider recent inferrior myocardial / pericardial damage - which googling out means heart attack), they gave me Xray all good, she said the Xray doctor wrote there might be some infiltration but she says it might as well be either something old and shouldnt be anything major or to worry about it.... She gave me some pills for pain and sent me home.

I'm freaking the hell out. I still have pains all over. Chest, back, all over stomach, jaw, arms, palpations, sticth, pinch, tightness you name it... I just turned 30 years old and I'm thinking I'll die and keep asking why me... I wake up at night for no reason no pains but my mind just goes around freaked out thinking I'll feel pain any second that something will go wrong, I will die...

I have a, about to be 3 year old, daughter and I want to be a great father, so I can spend quality time with her not to feel like this worrying about every pain in my body feeling like a helpless child... I'm super disjointed in my self, my life and all I wish is that I was healthy again, normal... Feel like I'm 30 not like I'm a 10 year old inside a body of a 30 year old, feeling like 90.... Am I the only one? I feel like crying and breaking down....

Sorry about the ranting...

05-04-13, 18:11
Oh, bless you :hugs:

I haven't had what you have but I can say one thing: the more tests you have the more likely they are to find something unusual (that doesn't mean dangerous, just an odd peculiarity of your body).

They wouldn't have let you go if they thought you'd just had a heart attack. One of the tests they do regularly looks for a particular enzyme in the blood - these indicate a heart attack. If they took blood I'm sure they would have checked for this.

If I was in your situation I would book an appointment with my GP to talk it through with them. Get some explanations and answers to your questions.

Panic and heart problems are so similar.. chances of anything being wrong age 30 are minuscule. Although I really should listen to my own words!


06-04-13, 16:33
Thx for reply :)

Today i am doing better. Still get pains but much less. Im still worrying about every twinge and ache...

They did do ddimmer for clots and the eart enzyme and both are well in the lower ends of normal range. Chest x ray says heart is ok and no leakage or any size changes etc. just some suspect but which i was told i shouldn worry. Like telling a guy not to think about elephant :)

Like anybody i just want to be well and feel like im 30 the prime of life, not like i'll drop dead any second... Going to my GP on tuesday might ask for stress test...