View Full Version : How many things do you think you have wrong with you at once?

05-04-13, 18:16
I'm just putting this out there because I want to know if it's just me or do any of you think you have more than one serious illness at once?

On Wed I had a splitting headache, got myself so worked up I had facial flushing felt nauseaus running in and out the loo etc convinced it was a Brain Tumour. The headache went after some ibruprofen but I've still felt a bit nauseaus since so am still worrying about a brain tumour.

I'm having sinus issues which I've posted about and I daren't google but at the back of my mind I'm thinking it's sinus cancer.

And finally I have a mark on my lower back which I've had in excess of 10 years and it's never bothered me before but in the last week I'm thinking it's a melanoma and I've ignored (it looks nothing like melanoma pictures) but I'm still thinking it is.

I just wondered how many of us actually think we have several illnesses at once, I mean even in my hyped up HA state at the moment I don't think it's possible I've got all of these things so why can't my brain just focus on one thing. :doh:

05-04-13, 18:38
Well right now I think I have three things that are likely to kill me :/

05-04-13, 18:39
Munch let,

Interesting question. I never think I have multiple diseases at the same time. BUT, once I convince myself that I haven't got one illness, within days, my mind moves onto something else. Most of the time, I can dismiss the thought pretty quickly, but if a particular symptom persists, then I fixate on it.

It was my heart for months, and now I am thinking I have some sort of illness that is attacking my nervous system.

The reality, my illness is 99% likely to be anxiety, but that 1% doubt takes up all my time and effort.

I have come to realise that my biggest fear is that this will never go away. The thought of living with this for the rest of my life is truly scary.

Charlie :hugs:

05-04-13, 19:32

I tend to have one or two symptoms but multiple catastrophic scenarios. After being anxiety-free for a good three years I've been anxious since New year about the following.

Headache/dizzy spells - high bp, stroke, haemorrhage - 1 week
1 week no anxiety
Lump in mouth - Gum/mouth cancer - 3 weeks
3 days no anxiety
Reflux and regurgitation - oesophageal cancer, hernia, thyroid cancer - 3 weeks
Palps & Dr's comment - Marfan's syndrome, aortic anneurism, heart attack 1 week
3 days no anxiety
Reflux and regurgitation - oesophageal cancer, hernia, thyroid cancer - 4 weeks
2 days no anxiety
Tingling, headache pains in legs - DVT, PE, Stroke, heart attack - 3 weeks
Pain in chest/palps - aortic aneurysm, heart attack - 1 week +


Carly Lou
05-04-13, 22:43
I love this.... its something i have all the time... decided i have 4 or 5 different things wrong with me...
il give you my little list of whats happening to me and what i think i have at the moment
headaches - brain tumour
dizzy spells - stroke
pins and needles and the odd pain in my right leg - ms
early period - cervical cancer
pain in my hip - bone cancer
feeling sick - luekemia
im currently on antibiotics for a sinus infection which ive never had before so... thats some deadly virus i think i have too....
all these at 27 years old.... lol
its daft isnt it...

dont you just love ANXIETY.... meh !!!


06-04-13, 09:01
I love this board.

It doesn't matter how bad I feel I just find it always helps me to know that other people can relate to how you are feeling.

It's the one place that I feel I can truly say how I feel without being ridiculed or told to get a grip.

Thanks for the replies glad to know it's not just me who is having several deadly diseases at the same time.


06-04-13, 09:45
First post!!

At this present moment I currently think I have

Swollen Spleen or pancreatic cancer (left side abdomen pain)
Lymphoma (night sweat every couple of weeks on my neck and upper back and pretty sure I can feel glands in my neck)
Melanoma (I have a lot of moles, some new some old)
Alopecia (I am 4 months post pregnancy and my hair is falling out at such a rate!!)
Heart Disease (my last BP reading was high so have to have a 24hr one - bloods came back absolutely normal tho)

Was always a lurker on this forum, glad I'm not alone!

06-04-13, 09:54
Oh, yes, I can relate to this! I had general anxiety for about 8 months and was gradually getting better on mirtazapine and an occasional diazepam, then right out of the blue I started to worry about a pink patch on my side near my breast, though I had had it for about 10 months. Saw the doctor and he examined me and said it was eczema and gave me some cream - so then I started to panic that he was wrong and the cream wouldn't work.

All during this time I have had a bad back - I know my lower spine has deteriorated and it's not unusual for my age and there's nothing they can do, but suddenly I've started to fear it's something worse - tumour on my spine?

Last night the mark on my breast had almost disappeared, but my back was bad, so I took ages to go to sleep worrying and trying to get comfortable.

6.30 am this morning, complete panic, what if the mark on my breast has got bigger in the night and I really have got breast cancer, what if this backache is really something serious?

Less than 2 hours later got up for a shower and realised my breasts looked completely normal, the mark faded considerably, but help what's that black spot near my nipple? Brushed my hand over it and it disappeared, just a vein that showed up for a moment as I stretched up my arms - or could even be a speck of something that fell off, but hell, can't find it anywhere! We've got a brown carpet in the bathroom, so it wouldn't show anyway, the counter is brown marble so you wouldn't see it on there anyway.

So today it's a non-existent mark on my breast with (in my mind) dreadful connotations, plus a spinal tumour - oh, and what about that gland below my ear that feels a bit bigger one side than the other?

Just reading what I've written makes me laugh at myself, and knowing others are just like me really helps. It's Saturday, the sun is shining and tonight we'll go out for a curry with a nice bottle of wine (half-price at Sainsbury's). Life's great, really :yesyes:

06-04-13, 10:20
Yep me too, I tend to focus on one illness at a time but my self diagnosis can change from one thing to another with the same set of symptoms and I also move straight onto a new set of symptoms once I am over obsessing a out the last lot. I have had long stretches of time when I have been relatively anxiety free and when I was having CBT my therapist asked me to try to identify what it was that enabled me to feel better. I could never figure it out though. After years of anxiety it still feels like it comes and goes on its own whim.

06-04-13, 12:38
Welcome Mrs Churchill you will not be alone here, we can all relate to each other and all of our weird and wonderful symptoms of HA!

Coppernob your post did make me laugh I'm fretting over a mark on my back, looks a bit like a bruise, it's probably a birth mark or vein but it's been there for as long as I can remember certainly in all the time I've been with my husband and I've never even given it a second thought before but now all of a sudden I think it's something deadly!

Needless to say husband thinks I'm completely insane and he's probably right:wacko:

Cattia my therapist used to ask me the same question and I used to try desperately to link it to something like stress at work or did I have too much time on my hands etc but I never could. It just seems to randomly appear and my problem is sometimes I cope better than others, but the last year I don't seem to cope at all. I'm taking fluoxetine but not sure it works anymore so think I'm going to go to the doctors and try and get something else to reduce the symptoms.

Take care everyone x

06-04-13, 15:00
Hi Munchlet...currently I have 4 worries...they are all in the same area of the body so the symptoms could relate to all 4...
I have had sinus issues since December so like you I'm scared of sinus cancer....the sinus issues affect my throat...so throat cancer...i was recently diagnosed as hypothyroid and have a lot of neck area pain so i'm worried about thyroid cancer....finally since my neck is so sore and it I have pain that feels like swollen glands although I don't feel any that are swollen I'm worried about lymphoma
I'm a mess...not really sure what to do anymore...i go to therapy for my anxiety....i go to physio therapy but it doesn't really help the neck pain...i'll see my doc on Wednesday for my annual physical...hopefully he can put my mind at ease...i really think an x-ray of my neck is in order....apparently I'm going to see an ENT about my sinuses but it's been a month and I still haven't been given an appt date...life sucks right now

07-04-13, 14:43
sorry for killing your thread munchlet...seems lately if i post in a thread it's a quick kill...if i start my own thread...it dies a lonely death

07-04-13, 16:54
Hey angrry you haven't killed my thread, think it probably got all the comments it was going to :D

I was actually going to respond to you to say I'm so glad it's not just me thinking I have all these illnesses at once.

I'm really struggling today, worrying myself stupid about a brain tumour and sinus issues, just feel like it's never ending at the moment.

How are you feeling ?

07-04-13, 21:51
hi munchlet....ty for asking but not doing too much better...still pretty worried...but...here's my week...psychologist and physiotherapy tomorrow....dentist on tuesday...physiotherapy and annual physical with my doc on wednesday....i'm thinking if there is anything going on at least one of them will find it....i'll also be able to ask my doc why i haven't heard about my ENT appt yet....

I hope you're feeling better...this HA stuff is a bugger...are you going to therapy for your HA?

08-04-13, 09:00

No I'm not at the moment, I have in the past and my husband thinks I should start again so I will ring and try and sort out some appointments. I'm off to the doctors soon, getting myself in such a state about these sinus issues, hoping they can give me some temporary reassurance!

Hope your appts go well and keep us posted on how you are doing it is awful feeling like this, just wish there was a miracle cure.

Take care

08-04-13, 10:03

I tend to have one or two symptoms but multiple catastrophic scenarios. After being anxiety-free for a good three years I've been anxious since New year about the following.

Headache/dizzy spells - high bp, stroke, haemorrhage - 1 week
1 week no anxiety
Lump in mouth - Gum/mouth cancer - 3 weeks
3 days no anxiety
Reflux and regurgitation - oesophageal cancer, hernia, thyroid cancer - 3 weeks
Palps & Dr's comment - Marfan's syndrome, aortic anneurism, heart attack 1 week
3 days no anxiety
Reflux and regurgitation - oesophageal cancer, hernia, thyroid cancer - 4 weeks
2 days no anxiety
Tingling, headache pains in legs - DVT, PE, Stroke, heart attack - 3 weeks
Pain in chest/palps - aortic aneurysm, heart attack - 1 week +


You are me and I claim my £5 :roflmao:

Got to laugh at it or you would cry.