View Full Version : Word of stengh and courage

05-04-13, 19:21
Hello everyone this is just something I want to share with everybody dealing with GAD,Depression,Panic attacks and any other form of fear. This site is such a blessing, It's actually help me in many ways. It's the only site where you can actually come in an share your story with out them trying to sell you something to cure anxiety.

I know it so hard to deal with this fear we live with. I never knew what anxiety or a panic attack was till I started having them. Then I realize how horrible it is. To be scared to go outside or to the store, Thing you use to do normally, are know just fears, Fear that the mind has created to keep you prisoner in your own body.I had it all depression hit me sooo bad I mean really bad, the depersonalization hit me at the same time. I just started to think I'm going crazy whats wrong with me.

Then disturbing toughs race trough my mind of hurting my self or others. Like the ones I love my first panic attack like everybody else I tough I was having a heart attack. It's was so hard to deal with it going to work,Having these feeling of fear feeling of just running and not stooping getting away.My boss he's a jerk so that didn't help it was very hard. My world seem as If it was crashing.

Then all the dr visits. Along with running into the ER a couple of time. Especially thinking I had a tumor because of my headaches and feeling dizzy and the pain on my left eye .But every single blood test.ct scan, any abdominal test or scan, they always came back to normal. My dr said "Well you're going to need some medication to deal with all this" I just look at him and replied "No im ok" He just look at me in shock he just said ok but it's going to be kinda hard, and it has been. But the reason I decide to skip the meds was because I wanted to go head on with this, I wanted to see what this was so I did my Homework on it. For a wile

It's scary because I dint's want to tell nobody about how I was feeling. After all they wouldn't understand right? So I just keep on dealing with it little bit little I started to change the way I think started giving myself the strength and courage. My fears where my dizziness oh Jesus I hate them so much lol .But when ever I started to feel dizzy I just told my self "Relax it will past" Everything single time I had any sensation I would try to give my self the courage an d strength to snap out of it. I know it hard people I know it is but we have to I repeat "WE MUST GET UP AND HAVE THE COURAGE AND STRENGTH" if you believe in god and believe in the power of Jesus. Start praying when your heart start to get full with fear and negative feeling start praying it help allot too and I didn't even know how to pray just one day I close my eyes and start to ask god to help me find my self because I feel so lost and that's when everything started happening I started to lose that fear and stared to have more strength..God Bless you all Never give up because with hope their is faith with faith theirs is god and with god there is strength and courage :hugs:

Sorry if I have bad grammar!!! lol

05-04-13, 19:29
You know I think religion is a side-effect free alternative to medication? Good post!