View Full Version : I'm going to pilates

05-04-13, 19:32
While I was at the physiotherapists yesterday he suggested I start a course of pilates so I enrolled today and start next Wednesday. I have to admit I am quite nervous about it as I feel really self conscious in these situations :scared15::scared15::scared15:

05-04-13, 19:55
Well done, you'll definitely benefit from it, I did yoga last year and it was great.

05-04-13, 20:01
I have so much tension in my neck and back and the physio thinks it will help me. I am also hoping it will help me to overcome my feelings of self-consciousness. I have a private lesson first to 'catch me up' with the group.

05-04-13, 20:04
Thats great that you signed up Annie, well done! I'm sure it will benefit you. Let us know how it goes :)

---------- Post added at 20:04 ---------- Previous post was at 20:02 ----------

I struggle with self - consciousness too Annie, so I'll be interested to know how you find it. Good Luck! :D

05-04-13, 20:12
I will let you know. There are 12 in the class altogether and the instructor has assured me they are all nice :)

05-04-13, 20:55
Sounds really good :) let us know how they go!

05-04-13, 21:16
I just hope everyone else won't be really young and fit!

05-04-13, 21:23
I love pilates! i found it really good for the tension in my neck and shoulders. I hope you enjoy it. Only the instructor could see me cause we were on your backs looking up. x

05-04-13, 21:32
Sunshine do you think I am too old for it? I'm 55..I don't want to be the oldest there :D

05-04-13, 22:18
While I was at the physiotherapists yesterday he suggested I start a course of pilates so I enrolled today and start next Wednesday. I have to admit I am quite nervous about it as I feel really self conscious in these situations :scared15::scared15::scared15:

I've been doing it just over a year, i have General Anxiety Disorder. It's great for it!!:yesyes:

---------- Post added at 21:18 ---------- Previous post was at 21:16 ----------

Sunshine do you think I am too old for it? I'm 55..I don't want to be the oldest there :D

Doesn't matter. Once you get going, you tend to zone out anyway. The only voice you tend to hear is the instructor's. At the end, your's might be different, you get a relaxation period.

05-04-13, 22:21
Pilates is very gentle stretches, rather than vigorous exercise. It's ideal exercise for people who are not fitness enthusiasts. My mum goes regularly and she's 59. She also has pilates videos that she does at home. Maybe that would help you get used to the kinds of things you will be doing at the class and see that it's perfectly manageable.

Worst thing that could happen is you don't enjoy it and decide not to go again. That wouldn't be so bad, would it?

05-04-13, 22:43
Eddie, is that picture your cat, it's beautiful.

---------- Post added at 22:43 ---------- Previous post was at 22:41 ----------

Annie, I'm with you on the self-conscious front. I would like to try yoga as I'm rubbish at relaxing but I feel I'd be too self-conscious to relax at all. I'd love to be able to relax one day. It's like my mind is always on the go. Maybe Pilates would be one notch up from yoga. I'm intrigued to see how it goes for you.

05-04-13, 22:47
I am so clumsy, I hope I won't make a fool of myself..I am sure I will be a smaller version of Miranda Hart!
Tessar yes the cat is beautiful but didn't you come on here to encourage me with my pirates!! :D

---------- Post added at 22:45 ---------- Previous post was at 22:44 ----------

:roflmao: You beat me too it and opps I meant Pilates :D

---------- Post added at 22:47 ---------- Previous post was at 22:45 ----------

I did yoga when I was younger but I got stuck in the plough...I got in it fine but couldn't get back out :roflmao:

05-04-13, 22:48
Did I type pirates on porpoise Annie?

Yes I did come on here to encourage you, but I can never miss an opportunity to admire a kitty. Oh and I did type Edie but my stooooopid predictive text changed it.

05-04-13, 22:50
Sounds great. One question, im not really into this sort of thing. whats the difference between pilates and yoga?? xx

05-04-13, 22:57
Sounds great. One question, im not really into this sort of thing. whats the difference between pilates and yoga?? xx

I hope there is a big difference because I know I will never be able to get into those yoga positions!!

---------- Post added at 22:57 ---------- Previous post was at 22:56 ----------

Did I type pirates on porpoise Annie?

Yes I did come on here to encourage you, but I can never miss an opportunity to admire a kitty. Oh and I did type Edie but my stooooopid predictive text changed it.

I understand being a cat lover myself, I get easily distracted by them too :)

05-04-13, 22:59
well i will be looking on here to find out what you think annie. :) good luck. xx

05-04-13, 23:01
If you never here from me again you will know they are still trying to disentangle my limbs :D

05-04-13, 23:04
hehe. hopefully not.. x

05-04-13, 23:05
Annie, that is awesome, I can just see you in that class. :winks:

05-04-13, 23:07
Honestly I have no coordination at all...I will go to the back of the class and hope no one sees me :roflmao:

05-04-13, 23:10
Lol, that is were I would head for sure, I have none either, they would be up, I would be down, and so on, and so on, lol. They are going to love you there, your gonna do great.:)

05-04-13, 23:17
I just hope I don't chicken out at the last minute :unsure:

05-04-13, 23:52
Yeah, that's my Mitzi cat. She's awesome at yoga, can twist herself into all sorts of crazy positions!

Have a look on YouTube for videos of pilates. I think it's a type of yoga, but more about relaxation than contortion. Pirates is another type of yoga where you tie yourself in a knot and shout, "YARRRRR!!!!"

06-04-13, 00:28
I never got on with pilates. I found it umm hate to say this boring. I did it in water and that was more fun.

I did however love fitness yoga which is different to normal yoga.

06-04-13, 01:59
Na, your not going to chicken out, you are going to go and really enjoy it. You deserve it Annie, give it a shot. Can't wait to hear about it. :)

06-04-13, 10:20
Edie, Mitzi is lovely and it would be good if she could be my pilates instructor.

06-04-13, 11:09
definitely Not too old Annie! My mother in law does it she is 69! Also our local pilates teacher has a golden oldies class. The ladies that go there are well into there 70s if not older!. If it is a daytime class, the people going are more likely to be in your age bracket. You can pretty much do it at your own pace and you'll be surprised at how much things get easier week to week. You'll get on great!!! xx

06-04-13, 11:33
I have just sent my enrolment form off and put on that I have anxiety so hopefully she will hide me in a corner :D

06-04-13, 11:39
Yay, well done! When you have your 1:1 session, maybe you can tell her you would like to hide in the corner. She may not make the connection herself that this would help due to your anxiety.

06-04-13, 11:48
Well done Annie, you're doing so well getting out and about. Good for you, it's great to hear.

06-04-13, 15:20
Well after feeling good about it, my daughter has put me off by saying it will be much harder than I think so I am not sure what to do now :(

06-04-13, 15:25
Hi Annie, its well worth a try I am thinking of trying it too. :hugs:

06-04-13, 15:36
I just spoke to my step daughter and she used to do it and thinks I should try it so I will :) My own daughter doesn't think Mum's should be able to do these fitness things but I will prove her wrong!! :D

06-04-13, 23:47
Of course! I've been to yoga classes and you get people of all abilities. I've found them to be very relaxed and there's no pressure to "do well" or do things you're uncomfortable with. It's all about learning to start off with.

07-04-13, 18:36
good that you started with physical activities, that means you are not so bad with anxiety. I could't do that my anxiety was killing me.:weep:

07-04-13, 18:41
good that you started with physical activities, that means you are not so bad with anxiety. I could't do that my anxiety was killing me.:weep:

You will get there. Just a few months ago I couldn't even leave my bedroom and was crying non stop day and night. I still don't know if I will cope with the pilates class but need to give it a try.

07-04-13, 19:50
If you never here from me again you will know they are still trying to disentangle my limbs :D

Haaaa haaaa haaaa :roflmao::scared15::roflmao::scared15:

07-04-13, 20:04
Haaaa haaaa haaaa :roflmao::scared15::roflmao::scared15:

Honestly Tessar this could be serious. I got stuck doing a kick turn when I went skiing, I had both legs in opposite directions with skis on, one stuck up in the air and I couldn't move. The poor instructor was in despair with me! He then sent us off 'slowly' down the slope, well the rest of the class meandered slowly down the slope and I went whizzing straight down like James Bond (although I guess James Bond wouldn't have panicked like me) and my instructor was yelling "YOU NOT GO LONG TIME TRAVERSE!!!!!!!!!" then I hit the only clump of grass on the entire slope, went head over heels and my skis went flying along without me!!

07-04-13, 20:51
Oh you do make me laugh Annie. I get a bit scared if I'm off-reading on my bike and go down a gravel path, especially one that's chalky as I know it can be slippery. I quite often end up screaming!! The only other time I've had cycling anxiety was when (again off-roading) I got a bl:weep::weep:dy spider on my handlebars .... It had come off a web where I'd cycled through a small gap!!! Yukeroooo's!! At least I know how to apply my brakes and avoid grassy clumps!!

07-04-13, 20:55
:roflmao: I don't mind spiders but I wouldn't go off roading on my own or even off reading :D as that could be quite dangerous (your predictive text makes me laugh). hmm well I went over a cattle grid on my bike, fell off and broke my wrist :D Should I really be going to pilates?

07-04-13, 21:39
Oh I didn't spot that one. I don't think I could read and cycle at the same time. The pro's can do just about anything when riding along ......
Well, at least you can't fall off anything.....you will be at ground level, that's something

07-04-13, 21:43
That's true :D My first 1-1 session (to prepare me for the class) is Wednesday morning so I will see how it goes :)

07-04-13, 23:19
Good luck Annie! :hugs:

09-04-13, 16:04
What should I wear?:unsure: Jogging bottoms and a tee shirt? :unsure:

09-04-13, 17:38
Well after feeling good about it, my daughter has put me off by saying it will be much harder than I think so I am not sure what to do now :(

Rubbish! It is hard, but you feel great after it:yesyes:

---------- Post added at 16:38 ---------- Previous post was at 16:37 ----------

What should I wear?:unsure: Jogging bottoms and a tee shirt? :unsure:


09-04-13, 17:54
Thank you Steve :D

09-04-13, 18:30
Thank you Steve :D

Haha, you're welcome.

09-04-13, 20:25
I worked with someone once who read "Pilates" as "pilots".

Yeah, Annie, your choice of attire is the one I would go for. You could wear a Liverpool shirt, or perhaps even a Saints one?

Oh.....I would never be seen in a leotard (way too girly for Tom-boy me)... Besides which, all the lumps and bumps in my case would put everyone off!!!!

09-04-13, 20:28
I wouldn't be seen in a leotard either! Far too self conscious. :D

10-04-13, 13:21
I DID IT!!!!!!

Today was the private lesson before the class starts. The instructor was lovely and made me feel more relaxed. She said I have picked it up really quickly. She told me not to worry about the class as most of them are retired with hip replacements :D She said there are 12 in the class and all very friendly. She said they all go for coffee in the village coffee shop so will probably invite me (will have to see how brave I feel!)

10-04-13, 13:31
:yesyes: Well done. I am quite envious as I have always wanted to do pilates. I don't think my knees would thank me for it now though.

10-04-13, 13:41
Flossie I would give it a go, honestly she said that people go with hip replacements and all sorts of problems. I am recovering from a fractured foot still and managed it.

10-04-13, 15:14
Thats great Annie, you should be very proud of yourself!! :D I'd like to go to a pilates or yoga class but not sure if I can build up enough courage. Hopefully you'll feel able to go for a coffee with the group after your next class!

10-04-13, 15:20
Yay, well done. They sound like a nice bunch and hopefully the coffee will be as good as the pilates :-)

10-04-13, 16:28
Well done Annie :hugs: you're doing really well on the road to recovery

10-04-13, 17:33
Thanks everyone, I have struggled the past few days with other things but getting through this morning even when I didn't feel like going has given me some more confidence.

11-04-13, 21:32
Well done you :hugs:

Lessons can only get easier from here, xx

11-04-13, 21:39
I DID IT!!!!!!

Today was the private lesson before the class starts. The instructor was lovely and made me feel more relaxed. She said I have picked it up really quickly. She told me not to worry about the class as most of them are retired with hip replacements :D She said there are 12 in the class and all very friendly. She said they all go for coffee in the village coffee shop so will probably invite me (will have to see how brave I feel!)

Yeaaahhhhhhh well done :yesyes::yesyes::yesyes:yesyes::yesyes::yesyes:
yesyes::yesyes::yesyes:yesyes::yesyes::yesyes:yesy es::yesyes::yesyes:

11-04-13, 21:42
The instructor has emailed me a set of exercises!!! I didn't think I would be getting homework...isn't once a week enough for me to exercise? :roflmao:

11-04-13, 23:14
Brilliant Annie ! Well done! You'll be able to get your legs behind your head inno time! x

12-04-13, 09:33
I am sure I can get them over my head..the problem is getting them back again!!

12-04-13, 11:32
Annie, so pleased to hear you are going to pilates. I know it is difficult going to a group as a "new girl" but you will be fine. You have a lovely caring personality and they will love you. No doubt you will be too busy to talk to anyone during th class but just relax and see what happens after. There might even be tea and bikkies after the session!

12-04-13, 11:34
They all go to the coffee shop on the village green after so I may be brave enough to join them :D

12-04-13, 11:39
The instructor has emailed me a set of exercises!!! I didn't think I would be getting homework...isn't once a week enough for me to exercise? :roflmao:

That's a bit much. Even thinking about exercise once a week should be enough :D

12-04-13, 11:47
That's a bit much. Even thinking about exercise once a week should be enough :D

I agree Flossie :D

12-04-13, 12:17
Annie, they are going to love you, and you are going to love it. I bet you will going to that coffee shop in no time. Enjoy yourself Annie, you deserve it. :hugs:

12-04-13, 12:46
I will let you all know how the first lesson goes on Monday :)

12-04-13, 14:44
Tell us on Tuesday. You'll be fast asleep for the rest of the day on Monday!:winks:
Have a great time.

12-04-13, 22:35
Can't wait to hear. Good luck! :hugs:Have a great weekend.

14-04-13, 21:51
ARRRGH Tomorrow is the day of my class and I haven't been practising :scared15: I will try to hide at the back of the room :) The reason I haven't done any practise is not that I have been lazy, it is because I have had plasterers in my living room and Dining room and all the furniture etc. out of those rooms are in the other rooms so I can't find a space on the floor to lie down!! :roflmao: Does that seem like a good excuse to tell my instructor? :unsure:

14-04-13, 21:56
Ahhhhhh c'mon, you haven't been lazy, you've been busy,,,, there's a difference.

14-04-13, 22:11
That is true :D

15-04-13, 15:38
I SURVIVED!!!! It went really well. I went to the back of the class. I must admit towards the end I was looking at the clock wondering when the torture would end but I managed to get through it. My bum muscles are aching now :blush: They were all friendly and I went to the coffee shop after with them. The instructor had to keep reminding me to relax my shoulder muscles. I am pleased I went and did not feel anxious. Looking forward to next week now :D

15-04-13, 15:52
Yay, well done :)

15-04-13, 15:56
Thank you Edie :D

15-04-13, 20:47
Well done Annie. See i knew you'd like it!!!!

15-04-13, 20:59
I'm pleased It went really well, Annie.
You deserve that for making the effort to go, especially when u had so many doubts.

:noangel::noangel::noangel:One thing, Don't they usually send the naughty, disruptive ones to the back of the class??????? :noangel::noangel::noangel:

:yesyes::yesyes: :yesyes: WELL DONE ANNIE :yesyes: :yesyes: WELL DONE ANNIE :yesyes: :yesyes:
:yesyes::yesyes: :yesyes: WELL DONE ANNIE :yesyes: :yesyes: WELL DONE ANNIE :yesyes: :yesyes:
:yesyes::yesyes: :yesyes: WELL DONE ANNIE :yesyes: :yesyes: WELL DONE ANNIE :yesyes: :yesyes:

I bet they loved you & thought you were equally friendly. so pleased that you went to the coffee shop as well.

NOW..... relax those shoulders!!

15-04-13, 21:07
Well done Annie. See i knew you'd like it!!!!

Thank you Steve :)

---------- Post added at 21:07 ---------- Previous post was at 21:04 ----------

I'm pleased It went really well, Annie.
You deserve that for making the effort to go, especially when u had so many doubts.

:noangel::noangel::noangel:One thing, Don't they usually send the naughty, disruptive ones to the back of the class??????? :noangel::noangel::noangel:

I thought that when I was typing it but I did the opposite when I was teaching...I made the naughty ones sit at the front where I could keep a good eye on everything they were doing :D

I have even ordered myself some of my own pilates equipment so I can practise at home. :D

16-04-13, 01:15
So glad you had fun, and I knew it wouldn't be long before you were going for coffee. I think you are going to love this. Have fun. :hugs:

16-04-13, 09:45
Well done! It's great that you have found something that you enjoy and that makes you feel good. :yesyes:

16-04-13, 12:33
I bought my own Pilates mat today :) That turned out to be embarrassing :blush: On the way into the shop (sainsbury's) I decided to pop to the loo...well I just walked straight into the men's didn't I!!? Luckily there was only one man in and he was just drying his hands! I was SO embarrassed and wondering if I dare walk round the shop after. As I was coming out of the ladies there was a woman coming in and she said "Oh no I just walked into the men's by mistake!" I laughed and told her I had just done the same so we both felt better knowing we weren't the only ones :roflmao:

16-04-13, 12:45
Annie, :roflmao:omg, you crack me up!

16-04-13, 12:51
:D xxx

21-04-13, 18:55
Have you been using your Pilates mat? That is if you've had time between all the major DIY and housework etc. When's the next session?

21-04-13, 19:06
My next session is tomorrow and no I haven't used my mat yet :( Been too busy this week. I will this week though...promise!

21-04-13, 22:14
I bought my own Pilates mat today :) That turned out to be embarrassing :blush: On the way into the shop (sainsbury's) I decided to pop to the loo...well I just walked straight into the men's didn't I!!? Luckily there was only one man in and he was just drying his hands! I was SO embarrassed and wondering if I dare walk round the shop after. As I was coming out of the ladies there was a woman coming in and she said "Oh no I just walked into the men's by mistake!" I laughed and told her I had just done the same so we both felt better knowing we weren't the only ones :roflmao:

Make sure your mat is pretty thick, about 10mm, any thinner than that then it's a yoga mat and not very good for Pilates.

21-04-13, 23:20
:-( I don't think my is 10 mm. If I put it on the carpet will it work? Actually I think I have one of those camping roll mats which may be better?

22-04-13, 00:52
I've been doing Pilates For Dummies (I'm a dummy!) for a couple of months, love it. Really has helped my core strength but best of all I am TWO inches taller - seriously, it must have helped my posture. Either that or there's something in my water supply.

On the subject of a mat, I agree with Steve, a thick one is best for Pilates. I find anything that requires a roll on the bum/spine needs good cushioning, so that will be sit ups, rolls ups and rolling like a ball. Without a thick mat it was hurting my tail bone.

22-04-13, 14:02
My class went well today and I actually did some of the things right :D I was aching though and didn't dare complain about my aches since most of them are even older than I am!

22-04-13, 14:09
I've been doing Pilates For Dummies (I'm a dummy!) for a couple of months, love it. Really has helped my core strength but best of all I am TWO inches taller - seriously, it must have helped my posture. Either that or there's something in my water supply.

On the subject of a mat, I agree with Steve, a thick one is best for Pilates. I find anything that requires a roll on the bum/spine needs good cushioning, so that will be sit ups, rolls ups and rolling like a ball. Without a thick mat it was hurting my tail bone.

I've been doing it just over a year, and yes the thicker the mat, the better. I originally bought a thin yoga mat before i knew the difference. I use this on top of my much thicker Pilates mat for extra comfort/padding.:D

22-04-13, 18:08
I was really aching today but I guess that is partly to do with the fact that I have been decorating all week :) I must start to practise daily now :)

22-04-13, 18:41
I might have to check out this Pilates mullarky it might be ok for me too, you never know

22-04-13, 18:59
I am sure you would love it :D

22-04-13, 19:56
Just read through this thread and just want to say Well done for going to the Pilates class! It certainly takes some courage so all of you taking that extra step to get out of your comfort zone should be proud of yourselves :)

I myself am really considering attending a Yoga or Pilates class. I was planning to go last Saturday but chickened out. So i am thinking of going this Saturday now. Am thinking of asking a friend to come with me but would really like to go alone. arrgh I hate this damn fear/anxiety. really envy those people who don't have a problem with going out of their comfort zone

22-04-13, 20:02
I was really nervous but I stay at the back of the class :) Also everyone is so busy concentrating on what they are doing that they don't notice what others are doing.

22-04-13, 20:06
Smallie, the really brave & courageous people are definitely those who make the effort to go outside their comfort zone. For you to even think about going to a class is a step in the right direction. I feel you can get there, it's great that you can openly recognise Annie's achievement. Maybe it can be you soon who we are admiring for your bravery. Sometimes it works for us, sometimes it doesn't but as I say it's good that you are considering it because those little ideas build into big achievements given time.

24-06-13, 14:57
Halfway through my second term at Pilates and still enjoying it. I don't think I always take it seriously though and often have a little giggle to myself, especially when we have to lie on our backs with our arms and legs up in the air and I feel like a dead fly :roflmao: I go for a cup of tea after with the rest of the class. Some Monday mornings I think I don't want to go but push myself to do it and always feel better for going.

24-06-13, 19:51
I'm glad u always feel better afterwards... Makes the effort worthwhile.
Good job u r a dead fly or someone mite come and swat u!!

24-06-13, 19:56