View Full Version : Diagnosed with LPR, anyone else?

05-04-13, 20:58
I was recently diagnosed with LPR and GERD, after both visits to ENT and gi doctor. I always had chest pains which I thought were anxiety.

Symptoms are:

Pressure headaches
Nose Burning
Ear pain and pressure
Sore throat
Lump in throat sensation
Excess mucus in throat
Chest pain between breasts
Feeling ill

Anyone else have this? I was instructed to take two Nexium a day plus Zantac as needed for 6 weeks. Any other changes I can improve on? What do I do about diet and exercise? I want to stay on the ADs as I don't want to deal with withdrawal again. Help!

08-04-13, 08:35

I was diagnosed with GERD last year - and there are definitely dietary changes you can make to help :)

Different foods affect different people, so it's worth keeping a food diary to see what triggers it. For me, it's spicy food, fatty foods, alcohol and carbonated drinks.

Hope that helps :)

Em x

09-04-13, 18:25
Thanks Emily, I will definitely keep track of what I have been eating. Somehow, I am finding that fatty foods are making it worse, and they give me a tendency to bloat up anyway. ><

09-04-13, 21:13
i was told i had lpr after i had a sore throat for weeks i had to have all scans for suspected cancer turns out i had lpr my voisebox was all burnt i have to take 2 omerprazle every day or i get it bad
im allways coughing
when i talk i have excess flem
i allways get a sore throat
so many systems i dont know whats anxiety and whats not
allso i feel like im holding my breath underneath and i get apain like when u hold your breath its kind of in the background dont know if thats acid or not