View Full Version : Keep weeing?

05-04-13, 21:47
Today I've had a cup of tea at 5:30am
Pint of squash 4:00pm
Cup of coffee 7:00pm
Pint of squash 9:00pm

This last two hours I've been bursting for a wee seven times?!
Do I have an infection
I feel fine no pain whys this happening ?

05-04-13, 22:04
Because you have just had a pint of squash and a cup of coffee before it which is a diuretic.

---------- Post added at 22:04 ---------- Previous post was at 22:02 ----------

Also I think you need to be drinking more water and maybe cutting out some of the tea?

05-04-13, 22:24
The peeing will be caused by the 2 pints of squash you've had this evening. You're fine :)

05-04-13, 22:28
Also the more you start thinking about it an focusing on it, the more you'll need to go! I got myself in a right state once where I literally felt like I needed to go every ten minutes and it was just because I was constantly thinking about it.

Carly Lou
05-04-13, 22:58
youd have a urine infection if you werent weeing enough
nervousness and anxiety makes you wee... ive had it many times before
as long as your wee isnt of a very dark colour and doesnt sting when you go to the toilet your fine..
i have patients who have continual urine infections ( i look after people with dementia so they do forget to drink )

05-04-13, 23:13
If you focus on it, you will find your need it straight after going. I went for test after test and in the end it was anxiety.


05-04-13, 23:45
Err maybe due to the amount of fluids you've drunk....if there is no pain and you feel fine, don't worry about it

06-04-13, 11:12
It'll be due to the caffeine in tea and coffee. Caffeine irritates the bladder and I have to pee loads after just one cup of tea and you've had lots lol.
Hope this helps x

06-04-13, 12:16
Hi everyone.
Well only went once more then decided to stop over thinking it and go to sleep. I did and slept through.
In my head I knew it was all thr caffeine but my mind kept saying no this is bladder cancer etc etc. bloody stupid I know I just can't help it :(