View Full Version : Ringing in Left Ear and Concentration Issues..

05-04-13, 22:03
Today has been a good and Bad day...
Good because i had a have had a hospital apt for a mole that i had and it is fine, its a benign nevus not a bad mole thankfully, so the sleepless nights that have happened the last few night mainly for thinking that i had skin cancer can be put to bed as it were... but today my mind and body seem to of been affected in a different way, i have experienced derealisation, in a fashion ( where i feel like i have a goldfish bowl on my head and what im seeing isn't right, almost as if im watching not doing the things...
Where as today after my hospital apt things got a bit strange, on drive back i nearly drove through a red light, i could see it but it actually took my hubby telling me that the light was red to react to it. Then later i went shopping with a friend and i was bumping into thing like my head wasnt really into what we were up to, i knocked over a pile of loo roll and nearly send a display of buckets of bird seed flying... Great.
Im obs tired but could it really be that simple?? :unsure:
Any ideas would be fab
Ria xx

05-04-13, 22:06
I am sure it is because you are tired and will have been stressed today about your hospital appointment. I am pleased you got good news at the appointment x

05-04-13, 22:11
Thanks Annie. Im sure it is, i was just wondering if others have experienced anything similar? It started me worrying about going mad or losing my mind, but then other symptons like my globus has eased off as i was preoccupied with the hosital apt. so that was a small blessing.I read the symptoms page the other night and have been conscious effort to relax my tongue so think that helping too. x

05-04-13, 22:16
I have had those same feelings and mostly when I have been shopping. I mentioned tonight to my husband that sometimes I feel like I am not really here, like I am in my own little world sort of thing.

05-04-13, 22:31
I think its all the stress and people around/ bright lights/ noise whilst out and about, its a bit disorientating, hopefully it'll get better.
The not really here feeling is very strange, id just like it to go back to how it was, im only just on this path say 3/4 mths was hoping to nip it in bud but alas, no. Im still hoping that i can do it without meds. Ive had zopiclone to help with my sleeping but my dr felt that im not at the level of needing further meds. I have made an apt for CBT so fingers crossed that might help to.

05-04-13, 22:42
Therapy has helped me a lot so I hope the CBT works for you.

05-04-13, 22:46
Hopefully... Fingers Crossed. Thanks for all you kind words tho. xx