View Full Version : Sober life day 3 ...

05-04-13, 23:03
Hey hey hey

Day 3 of being sober, well not as easy as you think!

I don't miss the buzz today, more so the taste and that ahhhh feeling after the first sip... As crazy as it sounds ! I don't have the shakes or anything like that I just feel like iv lost a best buddy!

Although I'm still remaining strong tonight has been the hardest, because in awake and not drunk comatosed I have no idea what to do with my self I need new routine, the best thing to come from today is normality not having a hangover at work AMAZING :D

My anxiety is still erggggg thou, and my depression is still in me! Time is a great healer though as they say ! So fingers crossed in two weeks time things will fell a little different and I will have a whole new outlook on life!

For some reason this time some things clicked that I don't need to drink and I want change in my life I want to see change in me and most of all I want part of the old me back... Happy crazy funny daring me ! Well day 4 tommarow and it actually feels good to say day 4! Can't wait till I can say 4 months haha little ahead of my self like but hey POsITiViTy....

I haven't put as much effort into this post today partly because in general it's been a hard day but hey they can't all be good

Roll on tommarow ... Hopefully a bit more positivity than today and a lot more umffff ...

Eff u anxiety

Stay strong guys :hugs: xxxxx

05-04-13, 23:09
Yay Lourah thats brilliant! 4 days is something to be proud of and you seem determined not to drink keep it up xx

05-04-13, 23:12
:hugs: lourah

well done you. it sounds like you taking fab steps in helping yourself. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day, im keeping my fingers crossd for you. xxxx

05-04-13, 23:38
Congratulations! I know it's hard, but you are doing so well! Be prepared for the down days and maybe treat yourself with a bit of junk food and a movie - don't go overboard with that sort of stuff though, but once in a while it's okay. You really are an inspiration and we are really privilidged that you are sharing your journey with us. Keep up the brilliant work!