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View Full Version : Night, night Austin. Rest well xxx

05-04-13, 23:54
A year ago today I lost my beautiful Austin. He was my beloved companion for 9 years. My adorable 3 legged rescue cat had bags of character & such an affectionate & loving nature.

Austin travelled with me and shared many of my adventures and slept like a halo around my head each night.

Austin brought such joy & love into my life & rests close to home.

I miss you & continue to love you deeply. Your spirit lives on with me.

Night night sweetheart. I love you :flowers:

06-04-13, 00:36
Its great that you have such wonderful memories of Austin. Often pets become like family don't they and it's never easy to lose them. I'm sure he is always by your side wishing you well. :)


06-04-13, 00:55
What a beautiful boy he was. He obviously loved you a lot. You must have made him very happy.

Cats are very special. I often think about my kitty who died 3 years ago now, but it makes me happy when I think about him now. Some cats you just never forget.

06-04-13, 00:59
What a beautiful cat, he reminds and sounds just like my cat jet who i absolutely adore and couldn't imagine being without, thinking of you, loosing a pet is never easy :hugs: x x x

07-04-13, 03:23
Hugs xx