View Full Version : Quick question?

06-04-13, 12:18
I'm making a slow cooker chicken casserole tomorrow. Consisting of chicken (havnt decided if its going to be chicken breast or thighs yet) , new potatoes, veg probably carrots, leaks, mushrooms, onions. Herbs and chicken stock.
I'm making a load to have for lunch every day next week.
My question is how long can I keep this in the fridge for? I plan to make it tomorrow and have it mon-Thursday? Should I freeze it instead ?

06-04-13, 15:23
Hi Em, Sunday and Monday's in fridge and put other days in freezer, thats what i would do. More taste in thighs than breast but any will do really.
The thought of it is making me hungry!!!!!!:hugs:

06-04-13, 15:27
I agree with Magic :)

06-04-13, 15:35
I agree with magic too :)

06-04-13, 16:44
Thanks guys.
Will do that then.
Have been shops.
Got chicken breasts, onions, mushrooms, leaks, carrots, parsnips , potatoes and dry herbs yum :)

06-04-13, 19:09
This sounds delicious :D Let us know how it turns out!

07-04-13, 16:18
Will do. It's been in slow cooker since ten thirty. Smells divine :)

27-04-13, 00:29
It can last in the fridge for a week easily.