View Full Version : Smear Result

06-04-13, 12:59
So after convincing myself I had cervical cancer, and talking my GP into letting me have a smear test (even though I wasn't due for another 2 years) I got my results today and I don't know how to feel about them.

The results showed borderline changes (but I did bleed during the examination) So the sample was tested for high risk HPV and showed i'm clear of that. So I'm told I can wait the normal 3 years for my next one.

Obviously i'm really pleased to not have HPV but still a bit worried as to what caused the abnormimal result. I know I don't have any other STI's as been checked for everything under the sun, so could it be because I bled?

Has anyone else experinced this? I'm tempted to make an appointment with the GP to talk me through the results but i'm trying to be good and avoid more doctors appointments.


06-04-13, 13:04
Most changes are completely harmless and go away on their own. My friend had third level pre cancerous cells over ten years ago and has then removed and she has never had a problem since. Borderline changes are usually just normal and resolve without intention. I know a few people who have had this and they usually get called for a follow up six months later so you could request this to put your mind at ease, although if the doctor was at all worried I'm sure they would have requested this anyway.

06-04-13, 15:36
Hi, I had borderline changes and was found to have precancerous cells. It's good they test for HPV - they never did that with me (5 years ago!). I could mean that you were infected your immune system has now overcome it.

Personally, and this is just me, I would ask for a repeat smear in 6 months to a year. There's no rush, but worth keeping an eye on it.
