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06-04-13, 13:02

I am a 44 year old male living in North East London.
I find a lot of situations difficult: eating out, public transport, socialising etc. Worry about blushing, sweating, panicking, becoming anxious basically. These fears lead to my life being very small at the moment, work, home and seeing a few friends and family occasionally.
Feel lonely and isolated. I spend a lot of time home alone reading and watching films and telly.
I want to lead a normal life with a partner and children. Want to not worry all the bloomin time! Its so tiring and so boring!
I have achieved and done a lot of things in my life and want to again.
All help will be much appreciated. I think we need the help of others to change and achieve.
Best wishes to all...


06-04-13, 13:12
Hello Eamon

I too have just recently joined the site due to extreme health anxiety. I know exactly what you mean and agree with everything you say. I hope we can all help and support each other. Carole

06-04-13, 13:44
Hi Eamon,
Reading through this site makes you realise that you are not alone which is very comforting.
Have you spoken to your doctor about how you feel? :hugs:

06-04-13, 14:33
Hi Beksie,

I haven't really spoken in depth to my doctor about my problems. I did ask for some Valium to help me sometimes but he said it wasn't the answer. I go to a clinic and see different doctors but they don't really seem interested. I think they would just recommend medication which I don't want to take. Maybe I need a better doctor(s)?

06-04-13, 14:37
Hi Eamon, in my experience I had to keep trying different doctor until I found one who listened to me. I was given medication but didn't take them, I am trying herbal/natural remedies which are working well for me, I am also waiting for CBT therapy which is meant to be very good, have you tried any therapy or counselling? :hugs:

06-04-13, 14:53
Hi Beksie,

I have tried counselling. I saw a great woman when I was in my twenties and in the end stopped going because I felt I didn't have a problem anymore, I felt great.
But I started worrying again later. I went back to this woman but she didn't seem to be able to help me anymore.
Since then I have see a few counsellors, some good. I was in a group for a about four years which I loved but the woman running it died unfortunately. It was such a good group too, shame.
I recently saw a local counsellor and it was helping me but I couldn't afford to keep going. I may ask her if I can come once a month. She doesn't think its enough but it would be something.

06-04-13, 15:02
Hi Eamon, If therapy helped you before it could again. It sounds like you have tried a lot of things so far so I would try and make your feelings clear to your doctor, tell them you don't really want medication, they may find you a new group or counselor to try :hugs:

06-04-13, 15:07
Hi Beksie,
Thanks. Yes I may speak to the doctor about getting free counselling. I have been told that it is possible on the NHS.
I must/will do something!!!!!!!

06-04-13, 18:23
Glad to have you with us Eamon.

I've found a great deal of support and guidance since I've been here.

I'm sure you will too.

06-04-13, 18:37
Hi Eamon :welcome: