View Full Version : What can I do?

06-04-13, 15:15
Hi Everybody!

I've been an anxious person/a worrier all my life but started having panic attacks etc in 2003. There have been times when I wasn't too bad, but for the last few months my anxiety seems to be through the roof and it's as if anything and everything can set it off!...I'm really trying to overcome it but I feel like I'm so sensitive to every little thing lately..Heat, the cold, hunger, noise, quietness, people telling me negative things, going out, staying in, visiting my friends, going out with my mum in her car...Just EVERYTHING seems to make me panicky! Any ache, pain, sensation sends my anxiety sky high...I just don't know what to do! I feel like a scared, nervous wreck who's on the verge of a massive panic attack all the time...What can I do??

Thanks for reading :)

06-04-13, 15:22
Hi Nadine, I am similar to you, it feels like everything can set me off. Have you spoken to your doctor about how you feel? Have you had any counselling or tried any medication?

06-04-13, 17:28
your nervous system is in tense like mine was and everything bothers you. Medications helped me a lot. I thought I had a worst anxiety in the world but after few months I was better. Go to doctor if you haven't already.

08-04-13, 11:07
Hi nadine, I understand exactly what you are going through and its so hard to get past the continuous feeling of anxiety no matter what you do, I am a sufferer of anxiety and am still learning but one thing tht has helped me start to peel back the layers of anxiety is stillness, I know it sounds odd, how can u be still if your a bag of nerves? But it helps, first thing to do is to either sit up or lay down, close ur eyes and firstly breathe through your nose counting 4 making sure u feel ur tummy rise and out through the mouth counting 6, keep repeating this and then think of anything wether it be a person a situation and focus on it but dont make any judgement, stay still and carry on breathing, then after a few minutes come away and focus on ur breathing, how it sounds, the steady flow, if you continue to practice this daily your body will not instantly create a negative reaction to particular thoughts or situations as you have faced them and have applied a calming response, stillness is about no reaction, no judgement, no question, the more u practice the stronger you will become, I hope this helps you as it has helped me along the way.