View Full Version : Endoscopy yesterday, now in pain. Should I go to A+E?

Anxiety Jim
06-04-13, 16:48

For a year or 2 I've been having stomach pain, and eventually was sent for a gastroscopy (endoscopy). I was retching almost the entire time, and moving about a lot. After it was finished the Dr said everything looked OK, but I has a small amount of oesophagitis.

I was fine when I came out of hospital, and all of yesterday, but today whenever I move I have a sharp pain in the left side of my rib cage, covering quite a large area from the front to the side of my ribs. Should I be worried. The endoscopy unit isn't open today for me to ring. The patient co uk website says if you get abdominal pain consult a doctor.

Has anyone had this done? did you get pain? Should I got to A+E? I feel fine until I move and it hurts.


06-04-13, 17:07
If I was you I would call NHS direct and ask them for advise. It is probably just sore from the Endoscopy but best to check for your own peace of mind.

Anxiety Jim
06-04-13, 17:51
I rang the gastro-ward at my local hospital, I found the number on my discharge letter, it says to call that if the endoscopy unit isn't open, which I should have seen.

Spoke to a nurse there, and she said it doesn't sound normal so make an out of hours GP appointment. So called 111 and now I'm waiting for a call back from the out of hours GP, not sure how long I'll have to wait.

The pain stars in my ribs on my left side (the very side of my ribs) and goes around the front to under my man-boob (lol). Only bad when I bend or stand or twist.

Thanks for the reply. It seems my GP was right the first time that my stomach pain was probably nothing, now I might have done more damage by having the endoscopy.

06-04-13, 17:53
Keep me informed Jim, I hope everything is ok :hugs:

06-04-13, 18:11
Sorry to hear this Jim - I hope it turns out to be nothing in the end and you are ok

06-04-13, 19:44
Aw it might just be some brusing or general soreness
But it's good you're getting it checked out :)
It might even be totally unrelated n simply be a random pain.
Hope it goes well x

06-04-13, 21:50
Ive had that done twice now and it is sore afterwards definitely. A lot of air can get trapped down there during it so that might explain it' I just kept thinking if I cough up blood or have black stools then theyve done something bad, otherwise just tried to calm myself down. But I do remember I felt uncomfortable for a few days after x

Anxiety Jim
07-04-13, 00:44
Hi everyone, about 45 minutes after I rang 111 I got a call from a nurse, she was fantastic! Really caring, and she really helped me put my mind at rest. She said the pain sounded muscular because it only happens when I move.

I had a thought as well, maybe all the heaving and retching I did during the endoscopy itself pulled a muscle or something? I did A LOT of heaving, as it was first going into my throat, then into my stomach, at one point I think I was heaving for a whole minute, the nurses had to hold me steady because my legs were coming up to my chest with the heaving.

Thanks everyone for you messages, it means a lot :-)

07-04-13, 00:45
Awww glad you are ok Jim and thanks for updating us xx

07-04-13, 00:48
Hope you are okay Jim. It does sound like you've probably just pulled something from the heaving - can leave you very sore that's for sure!

I had a gastroscopy last year and I remember feeling fine after, then getting some random pains too - but I think I was just imagining them. Anyway, they went away and I was fine. Sorry to hear how traumatic the gastroscopy was for you. They're not much fun, but I found it to be over with very quickly. The worst part for me was when they pumped the air in - felt like I was going to pop! Huge relief when they finished and I let out a gigantic burp! hehe.

07-04-13, 12:32
Pleased to hear you are okay. Is it feeling any better today?

Anxiety Jim
07-04-13, 13:18
Pleased to hear you are okay. Is it feeling any better today?

Not much better really, but I don't feel faint or have black stools or anything, so I guess I can't have a bleed. And it still only hurts when I move so I think I'll be OK.

Thanks for you support. :D