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View Full Version : Please help -New mum losing the plot!

06-04-13, 21:29
I've had an anxiety disorder for a long time now.
Maybe 15 years now.
I have moments where I think I'm over it and then I realise I"m not.
I should say that it's mainly health anxiety.

Lately I've had a really tough time health wise, I had a UTI and then they had to do a scan of kidneys and bladder - the ultra sound tech freaked me out so I thought something was wrong with me - spent days and nights on google when I should have been taking care of my daughter ( my husband is around) then that turned out to be fine.

I ended up getting a bad cold as did my daughter, no sleep for me, she finally got over it but I still havn't (its been 2 weeks) then a week ago I got a serious outbreak of herpes on my LEG!!

It swelled up and looked really infected so I went to ER they prescribed my Clindamycin, I took it (first time I've ever taken an antibiotic properly) I decided not to google it (first time for that too) anyway it slowly started to heal but I was an anxiety ridden mess and still am.
Now what's happened is I decided to google tummy ache after I got a tummy ache - I don't know if it is from Clindaymcin or not but I read about c.diff, the deadly bacteria so now I have a tummy ache and feel as though I am about to get diarrhea - I've been to the toilet 4 times today and I can't figure out if it' anxiety or not ... does anyone else get this with anxiety.
It's not diarrhea but I feel like any time it will be and I've given myself the runs through my anxiety.

I"m a mess, I have a headache, I feel sick in my stomach and in my bowels.
I keep needing to go to the bathroom, I don't have a fever or anything else but I can't figure out, like most anxiety sufferers what are true symptoms and what I'm making up!!

I"m seeing a Dr on Monday just to double check but please tell me others have gone through this and I'm not alone?

Please tell me that anxiety can wreck havoc on your bowels and that getting c.Diff is a rare occurrence!

Thanks.. I just need some support.

06-04-13, 21:35
I very much doubt that you will have c.diff and I am sure most people here will tell you that anxiety does wreck havoc with your bowels. I constantly feel like I need the loo and have problems with ibs. When you have had any physical illness such as a cold it always makes anxiety worse. :hugs::hugs:

06-04-13, 23:08
Antobiotics very commonly cause stomach upsets. I once got tested for C.Diff because the only AB I can take for urinary tract infections is a bad one as far as C.Diff is concerned. I didn't have it. Restore the "good bacteria" in your stomach and intestines (which antibiotis kill off) with probiotic yogurt, drinks or capsules