View Full Version : a question about ectopics....

19-09-06, 14:37
just a quick question..why do ectopics occur more frequently when u lay down at night?
last night i went to bed felt fine as soon as a lay down on my back, off they went about 5 in a row-scared me once more....worried myself to sleep
is it that when stood up we dont notice them as much...why when laid down?
i hate them, does anyone know if you have them forever once they start or will they go when the anxiety does?
(sorry this was meant to be a quick question)
thanks everyonex

polly daydream
19-09-06, 14:55
Hi, you will probably have them forever but in a milder form once the anxiety has calmed down, maybe it's something to do with blood flow when you lie down and also the fact you are thinking about other things when you are up and about. Just remember they are harmless, most peeps have them at some point me included.

Take care,

polly x