View Full Version : so low i couldnt care less anymore

06-04-13, 21:43
Im sinking lower than ever.the loss of my lifevand my wife and my health..i couldnt care less anymore.sorry for negative post.but feel i need to share..i ha e nothing eles to say

06-04-13, 21:46
With everything you are going through Greg I am not surprised you are feeling so negative. I am guessing you didn't get much sleep again last night? Have you seen the crisis team again today, I wish they would sort more to help you. You can get through this you know, be strong Greg and we are all here for you. :hugs:

06-04-13, 21:52
Sorry to hear you are battling so much right now Greg. Like Annie says, you can get through this and you will. Thinking of you.

06-04-13, 22:53
I'm so sorry to hear that. All I can do is send virtual hugs. You are in my thoughts!

07-04-13, 09:39
Sorry Greg, I hope you are still getting outside help, nothing we can say is going to make too much difference to you at the moment, your loss is immense and I do feel for you.


07-04-13, 09:54

BobbyDog is absolutely right. You need outside help immediately.We can only listen and support you but it is imperative that you see someone now.
You might not feel like it at the moment but you will get through it ,but you need help.Go and do it, please.

07-04-13, 12:57
Hi Greg..Please let us know how you are doing today...any better advise from the crisis team yet? Sending you hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

07-04-13, 17:30
please don't give up greg, I have been rejected by my whole family because I am different from them and I am still here :)

07-04-13, 17:35
Guys..i am seeking outside help.chrises team doctors phcy etc...i dont think they can help me anymore....the phcy didnt offer anything eles other than to take diazapam in the day if needed..and tamazapam at night..im doing this and still have 2 visits to the chrises team twice a week...my sleeping as most of you know is prob the biggest prob making everything eles worse....do i just stick with them every night regardles..people keep telling me to just stay on them..my doc etc did think upping my trazadone will help..he said " yes you can up it if you want * im now on 65mg per night and gone from 50...i still dont get that tiredness..from taking traz as i used to...so im on my own really...do i try and up my traz over time and stick to sleep pills at night and diazapam daytime....thats all i can think....im in termol.over the loss of my familly and life as i know it.i dont think anything will make this pain and hightend anxiety go..so maybe i need to just get sleep and not worry about addiction for now...yesterday i had a really bad evening i was in a mess at my sisters and was thretning to kill myself again..before i knew it i had my parents ringing my x wife ringing and made me feel much worse..i was very desperate and the chrises team are full aware of these spurts i keep getting because i tell them..but they just dont seem to be able to offer me anything other than telling me to try and remain calm and breath..and to try and take things from my thinking and put them away in a box in the back of my mind.which i try and try..but i just get so so tired of doing it after a while and find myself just falling into a pit of stress and going under...Guys i am trying but as most of you know,i was suffering bad before my life change with my familly

07-04-13, 17:39
Greg I think the most important think for you at the moment is to get sleep and if the doctors are in agreement to you taking a bigger dose of meds then yes I would say try it as you are never going to get everything else into perspective while you are so exhausted. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Cat lady
07-04-13, 17:40
:hugs::hugs::hugs:It will get better mate, just hang on in there, thinking of you xxx

07-04-13, 17:47
Allso since iv been taking tamazapam for two weeks solid now..im getting a realy saw mouth and lips feel really chapped..i allready had a dry mouth due to taking traz for months now..anyone eles had this..i wake after light sleep and my mouth and lips are so saw

---------- Post added at 17:47 ---------- Previous post was at 17:42 ----------

Allso i asked a phyrmasist today again.and she told me that im one of a small percent of people that are taking leveythyroxine who suffer a permenant side efect ....insomnia ..i joined a forum for this and found this is real..ill never get back my norm sleep..this all started 2 years ago when i started this med...so now what...i need to be on tamazapam forever....my mum and dad have been on them every night for years aand keep telling me to stop worring about taking them long tearm..it does seem i need a long tearm plan...as im obiously not going to get norm sleep again..its been like this for two years now so is obiously not going to change

07-04-13, 18:24
Hi Greg.

Think you Ned to deal with one thing for now and that is SLEEP regardless how you get it medicated.
If the doc said you can up the traz then do it!, see what the max doses is for them then you know where you are in the scale.

Don't think now of being addicted, deal with the here and now and that's sleep.

07-04-13, 18:28
Hi Greg.

Think you Ned to deal with one thing for now and that is SLEEP regardless how you get it medicated.
If the doc said you can up the traz then do it!, see what the max doses is for them then you know where you are in the scale.

Don't think now of being addicted, deal with the here and now and that's sleep.

Agreed :)