View Full Version : Anti-nausea medication/remedies

06-04-13, 22:53
Has anyone had any success with over the counter nausea medication and can you recommend any? I've had panic attacks for the last few years, they're fairly well spaced out now but I'm going on holiday next week so could end up triggering one. My main issue is nausea which doesn't go away for ages and prolongs the anxiety for hours. Panic triggers nausea, nausea triggers panic etc etc :doh: I've had a look at motilium, has anyone taken this? Or any other suggestions?


06-04-13, 23:01
Yes, Motilium works great for me, as did the IBS medication Colofac/mebeverine in getting rid of nausea.

06-04-13, 23:02
Ginger helps and nibbling rich tea biscuits helped a little. Nausea was one of the worst symptoms for me. I hope you have a lovely and anxiety free holiday x

06-04-13, 23:05
I've used the antihistamine promethazine in the past for allergies but I recall that it also acts as an antiemetic and sedative which may also help. I think the brand name is Phenergan and it's available from pharmacies.

Hope that helps


06-04-13, 23:37
Ah, thank you so much for the responses. Think I'll speak to the pharmacist and also take some form of ginger with me. My last bad panic attack was at Christmas and I decided to finally go to the doctor. Of course by the time my appointment came round I felt much better and instead of asking for nausea tablets or if she had any medication I could take as a one off for for such attacks as I'd intended (I felt uneasy about coming out and asking for - I don't know why) she gave me some numbers for counselling and I went away with that. My coping techniques seem to get me through usually but every few months I get a biggie with massive nausea and end up beyond help for hours.

I had a 2 or 3 attacks on my last holiday, particularly in restaurants where I felt like I couldn't leave when I wanted without causing a scene. Managed to sit through the meal (my boyfriend pretty much eating all my food) and thought we were finally going to get away when they brought over a free dessert! Part of anxiety was about looking rude for not finishing / causing a scene so my boyfriend ended up leaving with 2 pocket fulls of kataifi dripping in syrup. :roflmao: (Oh yes, it's funny now).

That was a lot more than I'd intended to write, guess I'm a little worried. I'm fairly confident it'll be okay but nice to have some back up.

07-04-13, 07:38
I'm taking Motillium, prescribed by doctor as she feels it might help me to swallow better (swallowing disorder) but before this I used metoclopramide for stomach issues, both help with nausea and both are prescribed readily so you shouldn't have trouble getting them if needed. For nausea, id go with the metoclopramide.

07-04-13, 18:08
I use tums if I feel badly, also something bubbly that will settle your stomach like soda

07-04-13, 21:46
As an emetaphobe I really struggle with nausea so I've tried a few medicines over the past few years. I get Buccastem on prescription but I think you might be able to buy it over the counter now (also good for people who have trouble swallowing tablets as you just let it dissolve on your gum). Pepto Bismol chewable tablets are another popular over the counter remedy. If you also get a nervous or burning stomach you could try also try Rennies.

ps. You can't take all of the above together so maybe try and find one that's good for you and stick with that

pps. Have you tried the sickness bands that you wear on your wrist? They are recommended for travelling and morning sickness but I pretty much wear mine all the time

16-04-13, 21:37
Thanks everyone, just a quick update, I'm back from holiday and it all went fine. I got a bit anxious the day before, but when the day to go came I was fine. Had a couple of blips but nothing full blown as I managed to keep things under control. I ended up getting nervous about asking the pharmacist about medication so didn't take anything but I bought some travel bands which I used once and a herbal remedy which I didn't end up using. It's good to know there are some things I can get for future. Thanks everyone.