View Full Version : panic

19-09-06, 14:43
Hi there
Someone on here mentioned taking caprylic acid tablets to help panic=has anyone tried this-I have begun-no good up to now tho!
any other tips to stop me fearing the next panic would be good.
Nigela x


19-09-06, 16:16
Have you tried rescue remedy nigela? Ive heard that can help take the edge off sometimes?
Good Luck xx

20-09-06, 16:58
Hi nigela

I don't know anything about caprylic acid. But I use Rescue Remedy when I'm feeling a little anxious. It helps me keep things under control. I also try to sing along with something in the car. It stops me thinking about my breathing and being hyper aware. If I'm with somebody else I usually chat about anything and everything to take my mind off it.

Hope this helps.


20-09-06, 17:54
Caprylic Acid - Caprylic acid is a fatty acid with anti-microbial properties. It is extremely effective in the fight against Candida.

Here's all the posts I found when doing a seach for caprylic acid -
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Hope that helps :)


20-09-06, 21:15
hi nigela,
the only way to stop fearing the panic is to not fear it ( sorry) i know how hhaarrrddd this is. try not to think about t.

we are all stronger people after having this

21-09-06, 08:09
juju is right, if you fear the panic, that is what makes you tense, try not to be scared, easier said than done i know
but i too use rescue remedy and it seems to help in my most anxious moments

mandy xx

positive attitude brings positive results